Matatus to carry full capacity as from Monday.

Ktalkers are relieved. Fare pia irudi chini asap.


Breaking nyews:
They have been carrying full and sometimes excess capacity

that is nothing to be happy about.

…wanataka tu korona acheze kama yeye, cases ziongezeke wazimu halafu uskie oll bublig transport as pin suspentet andil fata notis.

mbwa hao.

and @administrator, NIS and/or WhoeverTheFuckElse, I saw what you did there.

They have been carrying full capacity for a long time now. Na bei ni ya corona.

Hapa Naivasha tunapangwa kama sardines kwa hizi Maruti


Kwani Corona iliisha?

They need a reason to lockdown, the numbers are too low so “wanaongeza volume” as fools celebrate.

Very true

Most admins kwa hii site are NIS

Hapo kwa fare kurudi chini utangoja sana.

Zile zinaweza rudi chini labda za long distance.

Hapa ni game safi inapangwa kuchezwa. Covid imefika v3.0.1 with added features [SIZE=1]naskia watu wana hara mbaiya.[/SIZE][SIZE=4]Bangi1 amemaliza pesa ya IMF ,covid numbers hazipandi vile inatakikana,so saa hii ni kumake sure infections zimepanda ndo waeze kuomba pesa zingine. Lets hope watu wa bar na kanisa hawataitisha pia.[/SIZE][SIZE=1]i will vouch for bars[/SIZE]

[SIZE=7]Matatus to carry full capacity beginning Monday[/SIZE]
Public Service Vehicles operators will begin carrying full capacity starting Monday August 9.

Addressing the press on Friday, Transport Chief Administrative Secretary Chris Obure said the matatu Saccos will have to self-regulate inline with Covid-19 protocols.

“The Ministry of Transport and Sacco operators will sign an MoU in the next three days to ensure protocols are observed,” Obure said.

In March last year, government ordered 14-seater matatus to carry a maximum of eight passengers to curb the spread of coronavirus disease.

This is very stupid reasoning.

Next watoe hii dawn to dusk curfew na wafungue bars tuchape sherehe kila siku mpaka che.

@Purple bana angalia maslahi ya moderator. Welfare muhimu ongea na mgisu @uwesmake akutafutie suzuki alto ya repo. Atakuuziwa 175k. Upee @Old Monk akuwe ana nyonga monkey kwa jam.:D:D:D

Niaje mjamaa wa D?

D ni wapi.

i guess talkers wengi ni watu footsubishi/route 11 coz thread iko na views mob

I don’t get how this government works. In theor wildest dreams, is there a genuine belief that there’s anyone who has been following any protocols they have put in place? Isipokuwa kujaribia watu kazi na wakati. These measures have accomplished zero.