Hii ndio tunaitanga kuchana buga? Ama!!
:D:D:D Waaaah!!! I did not see that coming…
When and where did this stunt action happen?
I saw an incident like this a policewoman was injured when the matatu rammed a lorry on the passenger’s side where she sat.
hii vida ndio inatumika … example
rachet ya mtaa ikisema uko na ball yako then anakuja kejani
This is pure raw talent a little training and you have yourself a stunt man.
Pity the matt owner
Jehova, and the mat was full of passengers!
Damn! That nigga needs to get shot. Seriously…
(But why is the fideo playing hapsaidown on my i7 300K laptop?)
I remember i recounted a similar incident back in klost…shit happens…kwanza hawa madere wa githurai with their archaic death traps zimeshikiliwa tu na welding
Barabara ya Waluhya.
:D:D iagine ingekuwa ndege then pilot anajitoa na parachute
Probably the cost is also inverted K003.
Huko ni Jogoo Road
Yes, they get disappointed when they travel on that road expecting to see cockerels everywhere.
Kuchana boogers? Hapana. Ni kuchana MBUGA.
Mungiki kuja polepole