Masweep ziendelee

huyu chief amekula evidence yote sasa ni witnesses and a mush a

Half statement hatutaki; can you now see it?

Naiona kabisa. That experience made me reevaluate my lifestyle. Nowadays I eat healthy, pombe nimepunguza na tizi at least thrice a week.

Welcome to the real world.

Hivi tuseme nyinyi wote hakuna anayeweza kutofautisha Chief na Deputy County Commissioner? Hiyo uniform si ya chief…

Anaendesheanga gari kiti ya nyuma huyu. Hata hahitaji bullet proof vest juu ata risasi haiwezi pita hiyo mafuta yote.

The police and some other sensitive occupations should put strict restrictions on the physical health of employees. Sasa huyu surely, a disgrace to the police fraternity.

Literally that person anakalia two chairs zikiwa combined

anafukuza aje watu wa illicit brew

Juu sisi hatupelekangwi* kwa chief ovyo ovyo kama wewe.:slight_smile:



Anafinyilia wasee 4 kwa corner aje!:eek:

I see the convergence of the usual bunch of crazies :D:D:D:D:D:D had to scroll up to confirm what the thread was all about. :D:D:D:D:D

mimi sijawahi ona chief maisha yangu yote, hata sijui kazi yake ni gani

Now this is funny…damn:D:D…<<<======admean please ii si kicheko ya kawaida