Yea…mass testing…i started hearing this term from our MOH leaders weeks ago…and as kawaida,the song has been “soon we are going to…”…soon we will be…" …well mimi niliacha kueka hopes zangu hapo…Tunaambiwa ati tuwachane na religion tufuate science kwanzabut ukiwa country kama kenya heri tu ujifunike kwa religion atleast hutakufa na depression haraka.Hapa tutapata hii kitu na tupone na miujiza…yea miracles happen.
Sai naskia wanajipiga kifua ati wamefanya kazi sana coz walitarajia 10000 na hata hatujafika punch,well i dare them to just do an actual mass testing ya kitu kama 100,000 persons place kama kibich ama gethorai 45…na wakue tu transparent then watuamambie watapata watu wangapi…Pale ongwaro a friend tells me iyo “mass testing” set to begin leo is just targeted to some few apartments close to where the confirmed cases resided(well,that is if it even happens)…
Everytime this issue is brought up by a journalist in this press conferences…the answer is the same statement mastered almost by all these officials: “as you all know,these testing kits are in shortage allover the world”…well a few weeks ago they were…Now they have realised that line doesn’t sell anymore coz more than twice they have recieved kits in hundred thousands…and now their favourite phrase is “sample collections kits”…really!!!
How can you tell us you dont have enough SAMPLE COLLECTION KITS as a government,but you have 4 millions for mandazi and tea,70 million in communications ???
How comes you are confident that restaurants staffs can now get tested,ofcourse at a fee, before they resume work?aren’t they going to use the sample collection kits?..
If Nairobi hospital,a private hospital can boast of now being able to test 900 people IN A DAY,what makes it impossible for A WHOLE GOVERNMENT not to double that at least if not triple?and why was this sudden “ability” by nairobi hospital (at 10k per person)declared just after it has been announced that hotel workers need to be tested to resume?
And we are expected to believe that dr. joel lutomiah alichujwa juu ya kuchelewesha results?..i mean results za siku moja…siku moja…i cant wait to hear his side of the story though…
In conclusion wacha tu niseme in my opinion whenever i hear a kenyan leader promise mass testing,in my head i just hear “laptop project”…“galana kulalu”…“slum upgrade”…“1.3 million jobs every year”…“youth and women empowerment”…“lapset corridor”…
Anyway ferow kenyans ndugu zanguni wacha nisijiulize maswali mingi sana msiniite propagandist…