Masculinity manenos with Andrew Kibe - I told you your gurus ain't shit

Copied from Maverick Aooko​:joy::joy::joy::gorilla::gorilla::gorilla:

Mr. Lambistic akijibu, mnishow

Naeza chimba hadi his great grandfather

This year, I’m taking no assails from old men with Mummy issues

This is the 17 yr old High skul girl alikuwa ameficha akapea kaswende

Vile wamama started organizing themselves on Instagram ashikwe, ndio he fled to the Yues

Put up with his mzunye :rainbow:: Alikuwa akitusi madame podcast, akimaliza ana moan for a red neck vanilla.

Anajidai Dume na mishipa za rasa zilikuwa zinapigwa gear na colonialist,

Umewai ona dere akiweka gear kwa lorry manual ya Kokot? Clutch ni kama Economy ya Ruto

Hivo ndio Mr. Masculinity alikuwa anaDiddy-wa Yues

Kidogo akaturingia na gari. His Elgibitikyu akienda job, this grown man with grown kids,

Nuh, scratch that - This bitch with grown kids and a muscled clitoris he calls a Dick , was bending for other Wazunye


Sponsor wake akasema, nuh, these black hoes, sorry, holes ain’t loyal

“Go back to your plantation. Leave everything I bought you and gerrout!”

Sasa tofauti yake and sisi women anatutusi ni? Si wote tunabinjwa?

At least sisi we give the assigned hole. Designated by God and nature

Sai ako kupewa peanuts na Itumbi for blogging :face_vomiting:. Heshima alikuwa amepewa imeisha

Frame 3- he was grabbing Jegi za Bibi wa Mathenge. Told you people will catch stray silvers huku

Anyway Mathenge is a good journalist so I’ll let it slide. But he shouldn’t allow these filthy sex retards near his Mamaa

umeffi thread.

Guru WENU wa masculinity LOL.