Married men in Tanzania wanalia machoss after kukuliwa mabibi zao by a senior government official.

@Karoga @Sambamba @Kodiaga
@captain obvious your services are desperately needed in Tanzania.

Injili ya MGTOW itabidi itambae huko TZ

Yenyewe, wanaume wanapitia shinda sana huko plantation.

Yaani a mere civil servant amefanya vienyeji zianze ku monkey branch without caution… :D:D


Mr. Shairman is chewing other peoples cookies :D:D

Kwani huyo jamaa ni hatari aje :D:D:D
But huyo jamaa ni alpha male kama he’s making other men cry like bitches.

Huyo jamaa ako ligi yake :D:D:D.

He prrobably gets more thrilled while pursuing married women.

And the fools are in denial, claiming the man has relations with their wives “cha nguvu.” Washienzi sana hao watu.


For their own safety hao wanaume wafukuze makunguru. Hio senior fisi itapatia kila mtu hiv.

For real.
Pia guys wa military, special forces, big wigs wa investigation agencies…in short any moneyed schooled guy…mnaonanga video za ngoma za kibongo vile msito hupark gari anagotea dame alafu anampa ride…its that easy…hii si hekaya…ni kitu niliambiwa na nilijionea.
Mark X kuenda juu na unaponyoka na p.y.t.
Huko madem hawaleti nyef nyef mob.
Sawa finest wine?..another reason why us lakeside men prefer bongo flavour over mugithi…headache free courtship.

It’s one of the stages of the grieving process I believe.

Hawa Mama Wa Bongo ni Moto bin Fire …

If you are a Juvenile of “Limited Resources” huwezi toboa … :D:D

Only very serious Elders can handle these Women … :D:D

If that’s the case, I believe karura gang akina @rexxsimba na @Baby Panay @Mushogi @ChifuMbitika wanaweza furahia maisha ya TZ sana.

With their Toyota jalopies watavuja ndoa mingi sana.

Nikiland huko I will handle Arusha alone.


For the record , I downsized to a Mitsubishi Pajero IO in order to lower my public profile …
It is also easier to hide at Guest House parking bays …

Back to the subject matter …
Without Reservation , I can state here that TZ Honeys are on another level …


Particularly the married ones … :D:D



Hakuna haja ya mapipi…tafuta tu wasichana wa mtaa.
Hapo arusha ina ma chwom mob huwezi jua nani ni nani…unatafuta arusha unakula out of town kama ni bibi ya mtu…msichana wa tao keep mentioning sheraton in your converstions with other dudes and dudettes…afikirie zako ni za huko si your a foreigner…she will start building castles in the air…halafu ambia yeyr unataka kuenda zanzibar…enda hapo kwa ferry kalisha yeye hapo sea side marinate yeye ongeza ma roast chicken/beef alewe chunisha yeye skuma kwa gari…kesho asubuhi kuwa mkali na yeye na ata walk away quietly.

Rusha Rusha za Hapo mjini Arusha …
Tembea Uone … :D:D


Jaduong wacha ujinga leta summary ya azimio la umoja. Hope hauko kijiji while incoming the 5th prezden is telling us how he will elevate you cholera na okimwi.