
Wadau na wadauress wenye mko in marriage, yinyi hukosana mara ngapi na ur partners? I recently got myself into this murky waters called marriage and i think hii kukosana has been too frequent. Is it normal ama we are headed in the wrong direction. I for one have started missing my bachelor days.

Wanakuja ngoja tu kidogo

Divorce the mbiaatch… Life is too short to live in misery.

Reasonable arguments are healthy.
Don’t listen to @HABILIS .

Are u married chieth?

How frequent are yours with ur hubby

Once a month. Or sometimes never. Marriage is about compromise. You don’t have to be right all the time. Plus the two of you need to learn forgiveness. Silent treatment never works. Learn to put your partners feelings and needs ahead of yours.

Yes Ja Pielo.

still single…can’t relate

And how many have you divorced after arguements? Must be over 100 now…


Bado mko hii stage all will be well

Dissolve the marriage

That’s normal, but the frequency isn’t normal. Mko na utoto bado.

You quarrels will get less frequent and serious as you learn to live with each other.
In the meantime ,try to identify the cause of your quarrels and avoid them as much as possible.

She’s a millennial but am not one


Stay out of your woman’s lane.

Mnapigania remote ya tv?

Marriage is like a toilet, those inside want to get out after starehe ya bowel evacuation and those who are outside want to get in

My 96 year old grandma has a few words on marriage…
Her best is - Never let the sun go down on a disagreement.

The truth?
1st-2nd year I can freely admit that I was a nag. Arguments were frequent, every weekend(hanging out with the mboys annoyed me since I was left out-I was no longer a girlfriend and it took me awhile for that to sink in.I was that woman who calls you 50 times after 11pm and writes smses to find out if you are safe )

2nd-4th : Mostly finances, what to buy or not . By then I had my first born and a second one was on the way. We could argue about moving to a bigger house, which church to attend (for the sake of the kid) But the arguments were not frequent since these are not everyday decisions

5th year: Mostly this is the time shit hits the fan and people get busted. :D:D
Worst argument ever. Hapa ata Cold War can last for months. It takes a lot of effort from both sides to fix things but unfortunately the scars remains.
I wish everyone could avoid this , I only know two guys who have never been unfaithful- rare species if you ask me.

6Th- onwards: Arguments are very rare because we already know each other well. Kids are grown , jobs or businesses are doing very well na ujinga Nyingi imeisha but some sort of monotony and boredom sets in and this is why the pseudonym handle has so many likes and content in a record of one year.
The argument at this stage is mainly focused on us, we have not set enough time for each other. Then there’s this feeling of being free kiasi(on my side) since my kids do not need me as much as when they were toddlers.
Random getaway trips work like magic because you get a chance to rediscover each other often.

So anyway ,arguments and mistakes are part and parcel of marriage.

Are you my wife? That’s too close to the bone…