Marriage Success Ethnic Gauge: Bantus Vs Nilotes

Ata mimi nataka attention.

From real field experience I can also concur that Bantu men are slaves to their women. Nilotes are kinda-like natural born PIMPs. These guys really know how to get women in check. Virtually all marriages where the man is a Bantu, there is a 99% chance of him getting cuckolded down the line (being sat on is a 100% given). Even when Bantu men marry Nilotic, women, them Nilotic bitches realize that there is no way they will be submissive to such a Bantu sissy (Kisii men are the ONLY exceptions).

Give a Luo/Maasai/Turkana/Pokot/Turgen man a Kamba/Kikuyu/Taita/Meru/Miji9 woman and they will always straighten her up 95% of the time. The 5% residue are natural-born-bantu kungurus who hold no allegiance to the dick.

This fact was further proven once I learnt that Yorubas are Bantus and their women cuck them like a MF. Look at the Sudanese, these guys don’t tolerate sluts. They will cast them out like a curse.

Confession: I have never fwuacked a Luo/Kale chick. Lately I wanna fuck em, before I found them distasteful but now after my conditioning is over, I see the beauty in BLACK. Wajaka nichapeni thru pass kwa hao sluts wenu tusalimiane i.e. Handshake for real.


Ati through pass ya sluts???:mad:o_O:D
Kama kichwa yako Ni ngumu uta toboa, usitake kuskia venye poko mjaka huongea akiwa drinks,
Ile boldness Na lugha chafu,
Most nilots still believe once u pay dowry that’s ur property and you can use it as u please, akileta Shifa fkuza urudishiwe ngombe
Kisiis are tough because they are mostly sorrounded by Nilots hence the assimilation

Apophenia ndio iko apa…
Between the two kuna wale wanaidolize women n sex to heightened levels…na kuna wale excessive sex and all that shit sio priority…
All in all read kuna wale wanazaa kama mende…kumangana kila time na kuna wale wanarun economy…

Umesema ukweli…i was also wondering why most of my friends wale ni okuyu, like all of them were brought up by single mothers…
Kaswali tu, are kikuyu men not men enough kuwa majogoo? Over to you Bw @ChifuMbitika tell us more kama komshna

Any thing with two legs can dominate any woman who knows trully well, deep in her hearty of hearties, that she is ugly. How ugly is the average nilotic woman?

Does this also explain High Homosexuality in certain Nilote communities since they want to dominate each other.

Just another loser making digs at Bantu men to sound cool.

Same thing Bantus always do to convince themselves they are shit, something you always support and even go ahead to create extended threads of such. Wewe na yeye mko na vichwa ya mbuzi.

Na wale wanakuanga na mali mob ati wako stingy bado wankaliwa ama? Make it make sense.

No no. Dim-eyed orangutans don’t get a pass…ever.

Fuck!!! That’s too savage‍♀️‍♀️

We are men enough and only a small percentage of Kyuks men are simps

This is what I call meffi research.

No need to justify anything chief. Let them assume all Bantu men are SIMPs and we see who will have the last laugh.

Historically, Kikuyu nation is majorly a matriarchal, all the way from Mumbai. Nothing new

Nilotes are violent and womanish. They spend all their energy beating up their wives to submit them. Hiyo ni ujinga. Kuheshimu mtu mnalala nayeye daily si ujinga. No wonder they’re always fighting to death with women.



I was thinking the same. Anasema 99% of I don’t know what, alete source of his data otherwise this 99% prejudice generated from his and only skull