Let’s start our day in prayer wapendwa
Father Lord I glorify your Holy Name Elshadai, you’ve done great things no one could ever do I worship and honour you my Lord thanks for another day that you’ve granted us, it’s not by chance that we’ve seen this day, many wished and had plans to see this day but they are no longer alive, it’s not that we are special or have done great things, it’s your mercies, love, favour that keeps us moving, I surrender each of us, our families, relatives friends and every nation in your able hands, Rabbi we’ve forsaken you and chose to do things our own way, I pray and ask for forgiveness, pardon our known and unknown iniquities, give us strength and wisdom Elshadai, connect us with our destiny helpers, if not you we couldn’t be alive today, the situation at hand and tension all over the world you know it, it’s written in Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell, and we shouldn’t fear for you are with us, thanks for everything in our lives I take nothing for granted, meet each of us at our point of need, our hearts desires and needs may you provide for us, I cancel anything that ain’t for us and from our God, may you locate us Rabbi use us as your vessels, let your will be done it’s through Christ Jesus I pray.
Amen. Thank you Jesus.