Man's Purpose on Earth

Whats your purpose on earth?
Why did you find yourself here?
Does man have a purpose on earth? or is it just a mere coincidence that we are here?
Where did we come from…where are we headed after?
Is human the superiormost creature in the universe?

Enjoy your life, your friends and family and hustle for your children. Hizo zingine achia mungu

Procreate and fill the earth

Earth is actually hell that the religions like to threaten people with,our bodies are a prison for our infinite energy/conciousness.What we once were prior to being human is not known but hinted at the pyramids in Egypt and all over the world,wherever you find them.Our purpose is to have different experiences in the world but also not to lose sight that we need to remember who we are by opening our third eye.The third eye will enable us to return to being purely infinite energy/consciousness with our rich experiences.If you get caught up in the experiences and not remember who you are,you will reincarnate on earth again but with the knowledge of your past lives tucked away deep in your subconscious mind

A human being is just an animal who happens to be more intelligent than other animals. Otherwise we are just a cycle of life where you are born, survive if you will, then die. Your offsprings continue. Just like other animals.

[COLOR=rgb(84, 172, 210)]You are the universe experiencing itself, learn to fight as well as aesthetics

The body is the prison of the soul, your job is to make sure you don’t reincarnate again.

  1. To fill it - Go yee and multiply

  2. I was never sent an invitation, I would have refused. Or deferred.

  3. Yes, refer to #1

  4. We came from Adam and Eve fucking each other. And we’re headed to either Heaven or Hell (I guess).

  5. Sure, we are superior. Aliens are still stuck in movies and fiction novels.

Zaliwa----kufa, hapo katikati ujijazie