Man was meant to be vegetarian.

Looking at your teeth design you ware made to eat vegetables. … Appetite ya nyama ilitoka wapi.
Other species that eat everything are rats and cockroaches.

Man is an omnivore like chimps eating soft plants, fruits, insects, and small animals. the digestive tract reflects that. If we were to go by teeth you would think a gorilla is an obligate carnivore, but it eats leaves like cow.

kama umesota pambana na cabbage polepole with no disturbance

Jamaa amesota akanzaa kuwa zoologist na philosopher :smiley:

Omera, tarehe 18…

Jamaa ameanza kuwa na hallucinations… Withdrawal syndromes za nyama…


Have you seen my teeth huh?

Hamtaki ukweli, nowonder your lifespan is 70 yrs.
Mkikula chinsaga mtafikisha 150yrs wadau.

Miaka ni Mungu hupatiana.

Tuvalishwe adult pampers and drool over ourselves. No please, 70 na niende iko Sawa.

Mbona uko na canine teet? Rudi form 1 urudie bio

Nini mzuri itafanyika nikifika 150?

Which part is designed to eat vegetables? Mbona uko na canines? Ama ni za kurarua cabbage?

Anyway, man can eat anything, ulipewa ubongo advanced ndio uweze kuchagua what you want to eat. Kula mboga ukijiskia, wachana na wale wanataka kula nyama wakule in piece(pun intended)

Man wasnt meant to be anything, man becomes what they want because that how evolution works, it’s not predetermined. more people are going vegan In the future humans probably wont have canines and their stomachs would tolerate more vegetation diet.

Hindis already do that and their life spans are no different from other humans. The longest living humans.last time I looked were from the shores of a lake huko Siberia.

Not the first I have heard of this. It is claimed that when you slaughter a living animal, the pain and brain coordination is so intense that the aftermath is the brain itself instructing the body to release poison to the meat so no one would find it useful anymore.


Moi lived to be 100 na merino alikula daily.

An argument by the animal activists.

Kapsaaaa. So do these buggers…[ATTACH=full]398683[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]398684[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]398685[/ATTACH]