Man disappears after chopping his wife's hand


Hapa kunguru alishow omwami vile alipiga bro yake hand job

This is sad. Violence never solves but only creates more problems.

Police in Awendo Sub County, Migori County are in pursuit of a man who allegedly cut the hand of his wife.

Dickson Adende allegedly differed with his wife Mercy Achieng Wambo at their residential house within Mabatini Area before he reached for a machete and cut her hand.

It was reported by one Lucas Oginga who is a Nyumba Kumi elder at Sare Mabatini area within Awendo Township that an incident happened at an unspecified time in a residential house where the suspect cut the hands of his wife,” a police report seen by K24 Digital read in part.

Immediately after the report was made police officers went to the scene where they found the hand of the victim inside the house.

At the time neighbours had already rushed Achieng to Migori County Hospital where she is currently admitted and receiving treatment.
According to witnesses, Adende and Achieng have a history of fighting and at some point, even separated for some time.

“This is not the first time they have quarrelled, though this is the worst thing that has happened between them,” Caleb Ochieng said.
According to Ochieng, by the time they arrived at the house, Adende had already managed to escape.

A detective who spoke to K24 Digital in confidence said that they suspect Adende escaped Migori to Nairobi and efforts to track him down were ongoing.

Femicides and suicide cases in the country have been on an upward trajectory in the country to an extent of raising alarm.


If this incidence happened in Mt Kenya, this thread would’ve been headed to the 5th page.

True dat

…hasira hasara. Jamaa ashikwe apelekwa shule ya wahuni kumliko

Kisha achunishwe spinach


If a dog bites a man?

Na walimpeleka hosi na kuacha mkono kwa nyumba. Nilidhani Kuna vile inaweza kuwa reattached, in good time. Si yule jamaa wa prison break forced a vet wacha hata medical doc ku reattach mkono … ama hizi vitu happen kwa movie pekee.

It can be reattached If some nerves are not severed.

mijinga unaenda kujificha nairobi badala aingie TZ