Mama wa threesome the copy I'm getting from the ground

Glorifying whoring is now called sexually liberated my foot

[COLOR=rgb(71, 85, 119)]Liberals are so entranced with their vision of equality that their actions are careless to a fault.

[COLOR=rgb(71, 85, 119)]The world is built on equity not equality

Kapondi unatusi wanakijiji alafu unageuza story.

Digi naskia sex tape yako inadrop kesho. Hamisha Bibi my fren kumedhoka. Am getting the copy hot from the pot. We nilikushow ujoin Udaku Zones ukaringa. Ungekua unapata 411 as it’s happening. Ingia telegram ya Udaku Zones uone if you are there. Kuna watu kadha wako huko. Very respectable looking gents. Join.

Sad bana to the kids, they will never speak in front of their peers

Lucky4them Kenyans memory is very short. In a months time nobody will remember anything about it.

The real victims are the children

They’re small, they may even never know what happened. In Kenya it’s very easy to get away with anything. Right now Corona is key. Everything else does not matter.

The internet never forgets, you are not new in these streets, so you should know

Its not a big deal people have done worse things and they are fine. Unless someone is feeding and housing you, their opinions about you don’t mean shit. That’s the bottom line. Cyber bullies are just pathetic fucks who want you to pay attention to them. If you ignore them they will have no choice but to go back to their pathetic cocoons and mind their own damn business. This woman can use the notoriety to make a fortune in that her sex business afterall its her husband who introduced her to that crazy lifestyle to make money. I’m not supporting what she did but it’s done. She has to move on with her life. There’s life after drama. It can be a wake up call for her to really turn her life around and focus on her kids more. I don’t know but I don’t think she or her kids are doomed. Everyone makes mistakes.

Did the hubby hold a gun on her and said you must bring the money.Somehow you’ve managed to spin the blame back to her main man.Ni sawa tu.
She is a saint

Very dangerous society we live in. Sex orgies for weak men who underperform with a landwhale postwall so called sex goddess.

I now understand how Israelites would make golden statues and worship them while committing all kind of depravities.

My prayer partner ,@TrumanCapote, will be keeping me warm and safe until corona blows over.

Prayer partner nowadays is online. We must observe social distancing even in prayer partnerships if we want to see what will happen to Ruto in 2022. That’s more important than any warmth and safety. Baba becoming president. As Joho puts it, let us suffer today and be happy tomorrow as we bid jamaa wa kuku safiri sugoi salama.

Ni ukora semeji ,

@administrator alimpea ile ghassia @Quarantities customized handle na ha qualify