Hapa ni kungara na hizo gari zinakuwanga hapo
Gari za luxury dealership zinasukumwa nje kwa sababu hazina battery ama vifunguo viko ofisini. Woooooooi!
Big loss
Damn, that should be a 500 million lose right there. That restaurant was good. Hope he had good insurance.
500 million is an understatement.
The building alone is worth 750k and will most likely be condemned. The way it’s burning, the steel in the concrete is warping. Halafu there is the inventory of that dealership, most of which cannot be salvaged.
Do we have serious codes in Kenya covering building materials to minimise combustibility? Those Chinese plastic ceilings and fittings are blazing like crazy. No fireman will be able to stand close with a puny water hose.
very sad. what struck my eye is the building evidently lacks a sound fire suppression system. hio ground floor doesn’t have even sprinklers at the least…
Guy cut lots of corners in terms of fire suppression. Car garages should have fire sprinklers. During design, structural members in normal uses in buildings are given 1.5 hour fire rating. So in areas where there was intense fire for more than 1.5 hours repairs would be required.
I think that guy had stored some flammable items there, the size and amount of time the fire raged I doubt it was just finishes