Wasee hukamua Mabibi za wenyewe halafu siku moja Upatwe na mwenye bibi na askume mzumari ya 6" kwa kichwa hivi iko shida kweli[ATTACH=full]177348[/ATTACH]

Nimemaliza kusoma na kugundua kuwa nipo uhamishoni

Mke wa mtu sumu ila mume wa mtu dawa

Achana na hizi mambo za kutishana


Kwanza mbili ? How ?

Lakini hakuna kitu tamu kaa kugonga bibi ya wenyewe…ankupeanga ki-wholesale manze

Mkojo wa dagaa utakuhusu. Madema wako wengi sana

Matokeo yake ndiyo shubiri.ingaweje mechi hua poa

I support the action taken,muke ya mutu ni kifo kabisa don’t dare

kabla umee ndevu

kwani ni watu ngapi wamepigwa msumari hii wiki? ama i’m goin back in time? i keep seeing this head everyday

alikua ju ya pingis:D:D:D:D

[SIZE=6]Man attacked with hammer and nails fights for his life at KNH[/SIZE]
Jacob Munene explains to journalists how his brother, Isaac Mutembei, was attacked and seriously injured in Tharaka-Nithi. The attacker drove nails into Mr Mutembei’s skull using a hammer. PHOTO | AGGREY OMBOKI | NATION MEDIA GROUP
In Summary
[li]Isaac Mutembei, 40, was attacked during a fight in a bar and is now paralysed on one side.[/li][li]Onlookers rushed out of the bar, thinking he was dead and some went to alert the police.[/li][li]He underwent a six-hour surgery to remove the nails before doctors induced a coma for two days.[/li][/ul][B]By AGGREY OMBOKI[/B]
More by this Author
A man is fighting for his life at Kenyatta National Hospital’s intensive care unit after a horrific hammer and nail attack in Nthambi Tharaka-Nithi County.
Isaac Mutembei, 40, was attacked during a fight in a bar and is now paralysed on one side.
According to his brother, Mr Jacob Munene, his brother had gone to the market on Monday for a drink at around 11am where he had a few drinks at a local bar.
“My brother disagreed with another patron who is suspected to be mentally disturbed, and the two got into a brawl. He hit Isaac with a hammer on the head and he lost consciousness,” he said.
Onlookers rushed out of the bar, thinking he was dead and some went to alert the police.
Mutembei’s attacker was, however, not yet finished with him.
“Using as hammer, he drove four nails into his skull at different points,” his brother added.
Police officers who later came to the scene found him still alive and rushed him to Meru Level Five Hospital where doctors did a CT scan and referred him to KNH.
“In Meru, doctors told us they could not conduct the intricate surgery to remove the nails,” Munene told Nation on Thursday.
On Tuesday morning, he underwent a six-hour surgery to remove the nails before doctors induced a coma for two days.
“I was called and told my brother had been rushed to the referral facility.
“The paralysis, doctors said, was as a result of the impact of the hammer to the skull. They are, however, optimistic that Isaac will recover well,” Munene said.

Kabla @Kimmy Shepert amtetee sana @Delicious Ciku.

Aisee wewe mdada hii avatar yako inanifanya natetemeka. Kwa nini unatufanyia hivi??

Whosale unapewaje?

[SIZE=5]meanwhile back at the ranch…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=7]Hammer head lark: Chinese man has three four-inch nails removed from his skull after ‘bashing them in himself’[/SIZE]
[li]The man refused to have doctors call the police, [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]saying he did it himself[/li][li]Doctors believe that someone did it to him - due to severity of injuries[/li][li]The man has made a complete recovery from all of the injuries[/li][li]Nails were four inches long and appeared to have been hammered into skull[/li][/ul]

That is barbaric

This is wrong…