Makueni man who tricked underage girl into sex with gift of bananas in for 15-year imprisonment

A Makueni High Court on Friday, November 6 upheld a sentence against a miller who was jailed for 15 years by a trial court after he was found guilty of defilement.

His defence which was that he was unable to rise to the accession did not hold water just like his ground of appeal.

Mutungi Nzioki Ndaisi was accused of forcing his way with a minor, then 15, on diverse dates between the month of March 2020 and June 2020 at a village in Sultan Hamud Sub-Location, Makueni County. He was also charged with touching her inappropriately.

Nzioki denied the charges and the case proceeded to trial which saw him convicted and sentenced to 15 years imprisonment.

He was dissatisfied with the conviction and sentence, and he appealed citing that the trial magistrate erred by holding that the case for the prosecution was proved to the required standard, whereas on the basis of record the burden of proof was not discharged and indeed left reasonable doubts that ought to have been resolved in appellant’s favour.

Secondly, he stated that the court relied wholly on prosecution witnesses’ testimony which was fabricated and riddled with lies that could not be corroborated.

Where he’s headed, there’ll be lots of baNaNas waiting for him too

If indeed he is guilty itabidi akue anashower na omo

Why are prison rapes not prosecuted? Is it just overlooked by states world over because people talk of how inmates should brace themselves for it?

It’s about time the “highly civilized” world we live in took a bold step into these matters. Moody Awori’s work in the prisons was a great first step in making correction humane. We rarely have media focus there.

The irony man. Rape is such an abominable act that could even get one lynched out there. In the prisons though it’s like people are happy that you will now get to be someone’s “wife”.

It’s of course a horrendous crime that should be prevented as much as possible, anywhere. The trouble with prison is the general perception of it as being a place of torment for the convicted, safely tucked away from critical eyes. It’s a place of punishment, true, but more importantly, it should also be a place of correction, bearing in mind that many of the people serving time will at some point rejoin society. How safe will everyone be if they come out worse than they were when they went in? Unfortunately, prison systems tend to make some criminals more hardened, rather than reforming them.

@ Lionheart :

Amazing , is it not , how the Law is swiftly applied on your average citizen …

Yet some serious high profile criminals never have their day in court or pay for their outrageous crimes …

Bure Kabisa … :mad::mad:

Quite true, man. They don’t lie when they say that life isn’t fair–but it’s actually people who aren’t fair. Just look out for yourself and those you care about. It’s a sick world.