Naona from my revenue returns govt took away almost 3m from my payslip and other side hustles in the last calendar year.
Nikiangalia my earthly belongings am not happy about myself.
Am reviewing this things coz nimechoka na hii rat-race and would like to consider retiring in 8-10yrs.
I dream big but hii trajectory inanionyesha i might die a dreamer.Na being a loner networking haiko poa though @chap hunisaidia once in a while.
Wadau,how can this mungiki raise 60m in the next 7-8yrs ndio akafunge…sitaki mingi hiyo tu.
Ofcourse i will stop my wayward ways @Bingwa Scrotum you are not welcomed here,you are about to retire and all you have to show is your man-boobs
A lot of stuffs my.Mmoja najua ako na over 60m used ways i can’t attempt to get the money.
When his godfathers leave the scene am sure some people will hunt for him.Pale insurance industry
I have some bad news for you lakini. Inaitwa hedonic treadmill. Once you have that 60M and realize you literally even cant live in Muthaiga with it, your sense of satisfaction will soon disappear and it will become your new baseline. Halafu upate $1M and realize that its hardly enough to become a global citizen despite being the man huku Kenya. Then you have $30 M and realize that you can do basically everything but you can’t buy jets, and yachts. No amount of money will ever give you a permanent state of happiness.
You should hustle hard and chase your dreams for a better life, but do not for a moment think that the sense of happiness will be permanent at any income/wealth level. 60M is not the magic number, but it is a good start. Go for it but manage your expectations.
Stop trying to “make it” in this amoral, overbearing, destructive ultra-capitalist system which is unnatural and harmful to humans. Contentment is the key to the happiness you desire.