will you advice her to get a mzungu pia
Ajibu hii please ama white bitches aint superior
Maliza this coon,No mercy:D:D:D.
She’s heart broken let’s respect her privacy. I will comment after 3 months coz I thought lesbians don’t cheat kumbe the story is the same across the board. The best thing remaining now to love is God, money and white men in that order.
Infact I don’t know what she was waiting for Makena was another simp. White MEN are the best. Lesbianism is another trap.
I wonder …
Have you actually lived with one ( …or did you just get a few “rubs” …) …??? :D:D
Having lived , studied and worked with them in their native habitat , I can tell you different …
And the colonial , white superiority myth you love to peddle about them is exactly that …
Myth …
I lived with them , studied with them , played with them , worked with them and excelled around them … :D:D
My problem with black men is as a collective. It’s not individual. Black males are dominated by every other race of males as a collective. My preference for white men is what they symbolize as a collective. Some white and some black men are serial killers so it’s not every black or white man who is good or bad. I refer to the collective. White men as a collective are superior in that they do dominate black males. The better male is the more dominant one, don’t dominating women as mgtow mediocrity cults teach but other men. The female is always better off genetically and socially with the male that’s on top of other males. It’s a philosophical and figurative argument not a literal one that each and every white male is automatically better than a black one. A white serial killer isn’t better than for example the Kenyan priest who won an award for best teacher. Black male worship in the black community and unconditional expectations of loyalty from black women is not in the best interests of the black women and her offspring. The white man is to me the answer to deal with the toxicity and mediocrity of black males as a collective. If you are assured of a progeny no matter how dismally you perform as a male Where’s the motivation to be better? You know black women will keep having your children, coodling and worshipping you. You have zero motivation but if black women do what other females in the animal kingdom do which is only mate with and propagate the genes of the superior male of the species, black men will be forced to shape up or become extinct. It’s good for evolution.