Usilalie lanye bana! Come oooon meeeen! Unapiga yeye style kama:
Unainua mguu moja,
Stand by the side if the bed doggy ama akiwa on backside ama hii style kama ni kadogo!
What’s wrong with lying on her?
Most girls i’ve experienced don’t watch as much porn as men do. They want foreplay and pillow talk rather than rough penetration.
Kuna vitu @rexxsimba hupost hapa that weigh like baby hippos hio hata watu wawili hawawezi beba
Hapo kuna ukweli mkubwa.
Booooss! Exactly my point! Lanye sio wako! :D:D:D. Fuck! This is even worse. Pillow talk na Lanye tena? Wololo!
Pia wewe ni wa kupiga pillow talk na Lanye! Wanaume kwani mmeanza kuvaa biker na hamsemi? :D:D
mimi na @hui tunaongea kuhusu normal women. Tukona game… we don’t pay for pussy like you. Wanaume wakiongea unafaa uende kule>>>>>>>>>>>
I love being put in this position
Boss hapa tunaongelea madem wa kawaida si lanye
Wewe na hiyo kilo yako 200 Nani atakuinua?
Mtree holder huna aibu ,all fags must be lynched
So, men who have ‘game’ go ahead to cuddles with lanyes and have pillow talks? damn!
The basic knowledge base of most Juveniles in here is lamentable …
Most of you are at an age where you should be competent on basic S*exual and Bedroom matters …
I have in the past offered for free the Services and Advise of a competent Therapist but so far , no response from any of you …
For the majority in here , I suppose Ignorance is Bliss …
Ukweli… :D:D:D
Foreplay na lanye…
I’ve already said I don’t fuck hoes. Stop projecting.
Oh yeah! I’ll be in your dm…
Wtf do you talk about? How many dicks she has sucked since her last confession?
kuna mmoja nimelalia nikamwaga hadi machozi