Maisha ya raha vs growth

Frm where I cme frm living in your own hme even thou ni shanty is seen as a way of life/ important personal growth… Bt frm what am seeing there’s a huge problem balancing lifestyle n growth
…I knw of couple A married young. within 8 yrs,started a co. bought a merc , build a decent hse n rentals n biz ws gud, however due to peers spending mainly on alcohol n parties…eg 50k a night at galileos biz n goals were affected . …5 yrs dwn the line the economy is harsh fr biz, couple is in their late 30s …money is scarce ,life has to b downgraded mpaka fees inakosa

Couple B … Married young , decent life …good jobs in the entertainment industry, fr 10 yrs they had a place to stay nt paying rent…bt due to alcohol n lifestyle had to b auctioned … all the peers by now have achievd sme longtime goals 20 yrs later

Couple C …Married young, decent lives…over the yrs build sme mabati houses, no partying n crazy lifestyle …nw they get a decent 6 digit figure frm rentals only…sme goals achieved

Is it a problem with us, or do we have to cut dwn completely on alcohol n partying lifestyle…fr the average kenyan…the first couples would have achievd much more(frm their own words) if there was sme balance in lifestyle…especially with guys in their late 20’s to late 40’s

What do you guys think?

The key factor boils down to the wife unfortunately…good wives know when to poke sense kwa kichwa ya ndume…“e…eh babe huoni io 50k per weekend as off now to cut down kiasi” as compared to “wah I weekend where we going” same as to generating ideas
Not to kiss ass but the person who said behind the success of a man is a woman was 70% accurate…


Nt really true …sme self discipline frm the man is needed

Man is 10% perspiration 90% wife. I should know. Am married


What to do with wanaume ambao hawaambiliki… spending on mistresses all over

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Back in college(late 90’s), my roommate once told me if u can’t manage ksh 10.00, then don’t expect to manage those millions whenever u get them.
He also told me that, if at all u hit the jackpot, u only fulfill the desires of your heart, party every day and all that, or invest.
It’s all premeditated.


No pun bt when ur gone I would like to read ur euology

me naona it depends on one’s upbringing/circumstances/suffering they’ve gone thru… for example, if someone has suffered due to their parents irresponsibility i think this person will be more disciplined with money and focused/ambitious with life in general… what I’m saying is that a person should go thru some kind of avdersity (not that extreme though) when young so that u learn life’s critical lessons and build the character u require to avoid being derailed by lifes obstacles…

i have friends who thru family networks and financing now run some businesses and all they do is party and travel to party more… they will always be in the VIP of a club or somewhere in zanzibar… the relatives are always there to help with the complexities of the business, u can easily see that if something were to go wrong or life throws a hurdle they’ll be finished since they’ve never suffered a bit…


Most people who complete college and straight to a good job tend to take their good luck for granted. Since they never tarmaced, they get reckless as they settle into a life of luxury. When adversity hits few are able to rebound back.


Relax, manlike, nobody comes out alive anyway.
Ponda mali baba, otherwise wengine wataponda jasho lako

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You only leave once. So enjoy life responsibly, help those who don’t have and treat yourself good for we are just passing through the earth on a short journey.
Investing and saving is critical for the unpredictable future. I know of guys who earn good mullah but are extremely mean unto themselves and to others.

Man made money and money made man mad. We are so obsessed with money it’s sad :(


Maisha haina formula unaeza ishi maisha ya luxury since childhood mpaka kifo au ujinyime na na bado ufe na ufukara.

There was a simillar thread about this the same school same upbringing one chose risks other chose the safe path the risk taker had a better life and the safe path taker had a kawaida life.


True. The wife factor is very crucial. Take me for eg. Instead of having a wife and three kids, I have four kids. The problem isn’t always alcohol and partying. You could be very hard working but have a wife who is like a wheelbarrow and has to be pushed to think even the most basic of things. It gets to a point where you make decisions alone and since there is no one to consult with, you end up making wrong decisions at times only to regret later.
Percy Sledge said ‘take time to know her…’ I guess I didn’t listen.


Your friends married the wrong type of women. Socialites. And that was their downfall. Adam had socialite Eve and Samson had Delilah the socialite. We all know what happened to the men.


The mistress is still a woman,isn’t she? Unless mwanaume ni shoga


eish basi I need to learn to consult more, am so used to going about my shit gung ho!

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Nilikuwachia Sophia. Mnapelekana aje? You stand a good chance now that 2 of her close workmates have been married this year and also she’s past 30. Pressure on her to have her own is alot.


sooner or later utamuona show room wakipiga picha na Nimrod Taabu or some other presenter planning a wedding; that day I will put on black and boycott


But have never met her in person, if I spot her in a club I will take my chances

Hawa watu watakupeleka mbio. I have a child hood friend newscaster who introduced me to Mrs.Okiya akiwa bado Miss & I can tell you itabidi mtu akuwe procurement department ya devolution ministry ndio afike bei yao.