Mackenzie aside..why I believe in Christ.

Jesus Christ made some of the most conscionable statements.

He claimed to be God.
He claimed to have existed before creation of the world.
He claimed to have risen from dead
He claimed to be the only/alone, truth, the way and the life.

No religious leader whether Muhammad, the Buddha, or others whether African Asian etc ever made such claims.

So its either Jesus Christ was a liar,madman or was telling the truth. It cannot be anything outside that.

Personally I have invested over 5 years of my life researching on these claims made by Jesus and I did finally make my decision to believe in Christ. The evidence in support of Jesus Christ claims are more than enough everywhere for anyone who genuinely wants to know the objective truth. I was someone irreligious but evidence for Christ swayed me the other way.

I found interesting and enjoyable reading books of former atheist such as CS Lewis the case for Christianity and agnostic historical record of Jesus by Jewish historian historian Flavius Josephus. Also historical findings about the existence of King David and the Dead Sea Scrolls that shows how the scriptures have reamin unchanged overtime were such interesting.

There is this movie called “The Man from Earth”.

You should watch it.

The character (Oldman) tells his friends a story about meeting a young man in Palestine around 2,000 years ago. According to Oldman, this young man was deeply influenced by his teachings, and eventually, people began to believe that this young man was the Messiah. Oldman implies that this young man was Jesus Christ.

John Oldman states that he never intended for his teachings to be the basis for a religion. He also mentions that some of the stories surrounding Jesus, such as his resurrection, were not historically accurate but were developed over time as part of religious mythology.

Jesus could have been the messiah, or he could have been the greatest conman to have ever walked this earth.

Ask yourself: How many events in history have been edited? So many things in history didn’t happen as we were told.

One thing I know for a certain is that humans lie. Since the Bible was written by humans, there are a lot of edited stories.

Jesus is God there is no doubt about that, affiliation with Jesus is certainty in itself,

Is that what Jesus claimed or what his followers claimed he claimed? Rastafaris claim Haile Selassie is the 2nd coming of Christ (despite Haile Selassie himself denying that he is), does that mean it is true and indeed he is the christ? Claims need to be verified as truths before we can accept them as facts.

All the evidence for Jesus’ alleged claims and supernatural acts are all contained in the Bible and nowhere else. You mention the record of Flavius Josephus, one of the ONLY 2 records about the existence of Jesus outside the Bible yet you forget to mention it is suspected to be at best a partial Christian fabrication and at worst a total forgery. If by some chance it were true, Josephus wasn’t even alive during Jesus’ alleged ministry.

Again you claim the scriptures have remained unchanged yet the early Church father, Origen, lamented heretics are tampering with scripture while copyists are making additions and deletions in the gospel manuscripts as they please, some through negligence and others by sheer perverse audacity. Dr. Bart Ehrmann (New Testament scholar) is quoted as saying “There are more differences among our manuscripts than there are words in the New Testament”.

If there is no doubt about that, why do Muslims exist? Or you don’t even know what Muslims believe about Jesus.