Mabenda4 Archives...... THE VISSION

Dear friends, i, the great grandson of the ancient patriarch Mabenda1, the one and only man on the slopes of the god mountain to have married 38 women and fathered 61 sons, i, have a vision. I have a vision that i will one day watch a ‘militaly’ parade. On this, i am absolutely sure of. I will sit on the dias and watch a parade pass by. I am certain that before they put my rigor stiffened remains in a wooden casket, shove me in a hole and throw dirt in my face, that i will seat and quietly watch a Butt parade.
Like i have said elsewhere in this village, nothing fascinates me more than a womans butt. I am aware am not supposed to discuss our private parts in this village but i dont consider the butt private. No matter how a woman dresses, the butt is always visible. Its thus not private. Its public much like the face or the ankles. Back to my vision.
I want to promise you friends that soon a man will come. A man who like Napoleon or Winston Churchil, will measure up to this no mean feat of mounting a butt parade in high noon. I would do it but i am way past the years . In my vision, i see hundreds of butt lovers like me seated in Nyado stadium on a clear january mornin. Standing at attention in the middle of the field are hundreds of huge butt bearers clad in heavenly white bathrobes.
The formation is that of a military drill complete with parade commanders. Then at precisely 11.30 our Napoleon motorcade snakes in and the women on parade all moan in unison.
Our Napoleon joins me on the front seat, five feet from the parade. Then he coughs twice to signal the start. Right on cue, the 26 year old parade sergent , in a shrill clear acappella, calls out the orders. ‘slaaaaap butt!’ in a swiss watch synchrony they lift their hands back in the air, and slaps the huge butts. ’ wiiiiiigle the aaaaaaaaass!’ They push back them butts and wiggle for 15 seconds.
‘looooooose the roooobes.’ faster than you can gasp, the ladies disrobe and discard the robes behind. The well oiled bodies are glittering in the noon sunshine. They stand there facing us wearing nothing but some flimsy string thorn.
‘Abouuuut turn!’ they side step and whirl around expousing their full mature ripened succulent butts that are still vibrating from the sudden centripetal turn. Unknowingly we the audience inch closer. The following command is issued in a fast paced diction. ‘lean-forward-push-back-and -shaaaaaaaake ass’ The sweet ladies, in a militaly precision lean, push and shake it for all its worth. The butts shake emitting thunder claps.
‘haaaaaalt shake!’ they all stop but the butts continue to shake from the intense centrifugal force. Then the commanders voice rings out ‘preseeeeeent butt’ the troop whose feet are still at attention bendover and present arms. The butt stands parallel to our eyes. We feast our eyes on the cream de cream of creation. We salivate at the master pieces before our eyes. We languish in our heart. Napoleons tree breaks loose.
All the other perverts can hardly breath. We are sweating like pigs in a kiln. The troop maintains position for kidu ten minutes. Then ’ looooooose nicker!’ legs astride, the beauties reach forth at the thongs and in a slow seductive drill slide the flimsy strings down the shapely thighs then squat and finaly step out of the cat holders.

‘toss nickeeeeeer!’ the angles turn their heads and toss them at us. Napoleon catches one and puts it in his mouth. Most of us perverts just put it in our noses and attempt to sniff because we can hardly breath. ‘legs-astride-touuuuuch your tooooooes’ Oh my. The muses bend over and reach for the toes. In tandem, the cat springs out wedged between the curvecious moulds. In unison we all take two steps forward and are now at an arms length of the-high-in-air ass.
Then they start wiggling. Wiggle wiggle. Wiggle wiggle. I can clearly hear the younger perverts fainting right beside me. Napoleon goes baristic twice in quick succesion. Just about the time i reach out and start kneading two huge assess, the police finaly break down the stadium gates and flood in. We are bundled into police trucks straight to kamiti where we are locked up for life. I, friends, have a vision. Join me.


I am in…Now that is one spectacle I would give,and gladly so, my freedom to experience… Sobs…But mum. I love butts…


:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
hii ni masterpiece pewa like


Kuna ingine m4 tuned a mentality sick mkamba in a bus .was in klost pls leta hiyo

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i can see where @culture got the idea from :D:D:D:D:D



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@introvert can we get an illustration of the shaking and wriggling.
good one again hekaya grandmaster aka secret agent


M4 apewe award yake saa hii

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@introvert …ukielekea mathari priss chukua huyu


WUEH! Enough said hahaha!


Eeishh. …na huyu ni mzee huitwa kuchinja pahali?? ???



Toss nickeeeeeeer :D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Hehe. Hiyo stadium inaweza jaa hadi ibomoke mafisi wakistruggle kuona wiggling bases.


Now what crazy thoughts have you put in my sick mind!

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Hizi kuma zitatuua! @uwesmake


Akiwa serious mbaya sana.

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Tulipewa Christmas break.
Hii ni noma saidi.


Dont get any ideas, cartoonist. Hehehe…piliiiis

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Too late. Bumper issue. Hehehe…

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