BUTT SONG. . . . . . . . . . . Whether you are a hymn singing convert or a gun waving thug, this you must agree with. The butt. Of all the good features given a woman, the eyes, face, hair boobs etc, non has magic as the ass. Men have done various heroic deeds for wanton reasons but if there were any worth pretext to put your being in peril, that pretext and excuse must be accorded the butt. I speak not of your cellulite attacked huggers or bonny teenie butocks, but of a well formed butt between innocence of youth and duty accomplished behind. The butt. It must be felt. Touched. Caressed. Pinched. Held on for dear life. Butt -let me sing your praises. Watch it as she walks. It wobbles just right. Agitated it seems. Watch it as she undresses. It holds your eyes captive… Inviting. Grab hold of it when she consents. Feel the magic in your hands. The tremble of accomplishment. The fire burns from deep within. Massage it with oil as she lies prostate. The pleasure. Dig your fangs into her now slippery skin. Knead it. Squeeze the dann heaven out of it. Kiss it for good measure. And whisper unprintables into the valley within. Turn her around and grab it from behind. Press it to your volcanic member. Heaven comes early. Now pinch it. Spread it just a bit. Slap it and let your ears bask in the music. Bend her over. Watch it standing majestic defying the gods. Smother it. Hide your face in the deep recesses. Now parade her on her back and behold the treasure within. The butt presents arms and you stand to attention. The essence of her being. The butt is the keeper of the forbiden fruit. The preserver. The server of princeps obsoniorum. The queen of edibles. The butt - i salute you. . . . . .
Please go wank kisha ulale @Kasighau
Ile fb page yako, ulituambia tu like 3 years ago na you don’t update it.
Hehehe, nimeikumbuka
he he…an ode to matter-core…:D:D:D:D
Stupid entiled mungiki GO WANK. Do you think i will read all this shit?
Great read.
:D:D:D:eek:… ati slap it n let ur ears bask in the music
hahaha good piece all for the love of a jiggly jiggly,wobbly wobbly rounded, shapely shiny female ass huhaaa!
M4 you must be the reincarnation of Dr William Dunlop…your fascination with steatopygia is telling…:D:D:D:D:D
Hehehe… Wacha niite mabenda
:D:D:D:D:D:DWhat unprintables?
Hehehee. Ati ki?
Mombasa weather must be unbearable
Good one sir. I recall it from the old village.
M4, hata kama subject ni meffi, you sure can string together that Osungu.dll.
Hata sijui niseme… Hio story yote ni kuimbia mattercore! Never knew you could do so much to asses. Wacha nitafute @Lola-
Now you can relate hehehe
Good stuff. … Images of a few memorable tanyes have crossed my mind… like Halima the Burji girl who had an enormous but shapely behind. … mmbbrrrrrrr! !!!
Hehehe. Hii kijiji has Award winning madness