museveni amezeeka, in about 5yrs time he will have to retire.
:D:D:D:D Afrika tuna penda mchezo ,mpaka ina taa hapo mbele !
Did he even try :D:D
Makere University will celebrate its 100 year anniversary next year. Tafakari hayo.
After 100 years they have nothing to show.
What do you have to show for your 40+ years of existence? Mkundu wazi.
Mara ni 40 mara ni 67 when will you mods ever decide.
Lakini @kanguthu I am sensing defeat and anger in your voice. Plus confusion and disappointment. Leo hata mastima hakusaidii. Kwani ulifanya nini?
imesimamishwa na angle line metal bar
:D:D:D That’s a Boxer 150 headlamp repurposed :D:D
Wacha hasira
This is a dummy chopper mates.
Where are the rotors?
uganda wako na gari zao…electric & gas
Chopper bila mabawa…wtf…hio ni toy kama zile tuliunda tukiwa watoi
Hauoni hapo top right huyo jamaa ameshika hio mabati :D:D