He is not kidding. You have to be careful when walking some of those empty streets. They also have to eat and their operating hours are currently limited.
Ni kama vampires walking in daylight.
He is not kidding. You have to be careful when walking some of those empty streets. They also have to eat and their operating hours are currently limited.
Ni kama vampires walking in daylight.
To the people being judgemental a big f you. You’re no better just because you sin differently.
I can imagine the desperation that would drive one to so openly disregard one’s dignity. Prostitution is always an open secret at least to ensure some semblance of decorum. To abandon that must mean things are so desperately bad. A mother will do anything for her child.
Mungu awasaidie tu
How did you see a smile through a face mask??
Aliona wink aka conclude smile lazima.
They are fakin ugly
Watu wote wanavalia mask kwa chin, isipokuwa wewe of course unafunika mpaka mapua.
Hawa malaya wazee watagongwa na njaa hadi watii. They are too ugly to sell their wares online.
Hizo ghassia zimechapaa
Wawawawa!! Kweli kimeumana…
Yaani you believe hoes go whoring for the sake of their children?
Do you honestly believe they enjoy it?
Nimepita hapo pia jana nikienda kutafuta head phones, wamekaa kwa mawe fulani towards the end of Luthuli, wanono wanono.
Inakaa hulijui jiji vizuri, ulikuja kusoma tuu na sasa umerudi ushago.
.Im always on that street like everyday and that bench is their designate. Those are hoes straight up. Njaa imewasukuma, na clubs za kuokotwa zimefungwa. Thats why you see them pouring on the streets.
Kuna wale wanawake wa kushuka hutafuta wateja namna hio and are decently dressed. Mapoko are known for being skimpily dressed.
We have hawkers and mama mbogas hustling for their bastards. This hoes just want the easy way out.
si ball…those mamas have got ruminant bellies manze ni vile usiku ukiwa macham na giza hautambui kitambi…msemo huwa shimo ni shimo
Lakini man just tell me. For one I don’t dharau lanyes. I have never paid for sex in a brothel because I think it’s just damn too easy to get laid- but my homies always tell me niwache chocha because the women I used to bang before marriage manenos- they are just glorified whores because I still spent on them one way or another. I get their point.
Now for the women (not referring to the ones in the pic coz siwajui) displaying themselves in public. Like honestly, what’s so hard in this country to simply decide liwe liwalo you will earn an honest living? Why not go to Marikiti buy a sack of fresh produce or buy some clad from Eastleigh and hawk in town if you have to risk kanjos? If not, just look for some open space in suburbia and pray that things work out for you so that you can later upgrade and become “el tomato” of Nairobi. Where are the gaps wadau? Ni shida ama wanashow middle and ruling class middle finger for thinking their shit smells better than anyone’s else? Let engage each other.
shit…things are getting out of hand now…
Btw na umefikiria hapo.
Prostitution destroys something in women. Once that self worth is gone it becomes almost an addiction. Even when they make good money they often don’t stop because of this addiction.
After dealing with the shame and accepting who they have become it is easier to sell.
The capital is a skimpy 50 bob dress na viatu tu za kawaida. The hard part is looking for customers but men will always be horny.
Eventually, they become good at it. Wanapata regular customers = regular income. It’s like finding a stable job and leaving it to go start a business from scratch. Hard.
Everyone likes to do what they are good at. Starting a business is scary. It’s easier to just keep doing what they are doing. That’s my take on it.