Lucy Nyokabi Follows Rastaman In Death....Good Sex Or Potent Ganja?

New details of the couple who died after jumping off a building on Saturday, October 2, have emerged.
The couple is said to have committed suicide after allegedly jumping from the fifth floor of the residential apartment they lived in Mtwapa, Kilifi County on October 2, at about 3 pm. According to neighbours, Lucy Nyokabi, 23 who had rented the apartment, had been cohabiting with a man believed to be her lover for three months.


The neighbours detailed that Nyokabi lived with the man only identified by his nickname ‘Rastaman’.

Witnesses now claim that the man was the first to jump off the balcony.

Neighbours, who witnessed the incident, narrated that Nyokabi, after seeing that her spouse had jumped, panicked and followed him off the balcony.

"We do not know what the woman does for a living since she used to leave the house in the morning and come back in the evening, but we suspect she is a businesswoman,” said Ms Linah Baya, a neighbour.
“It’s sad that we don’t know anything about her, not even her friends or where she worked.”

“She panicked and started shouting ‘I am following you’, but her husband had already hit the ground. He was already lying naked on the ground,” stated one of the neighbours.

“Before long, the woman shouted saying she was following her man. That’s when we realised the man had jumped from the balcony and the woman followed. We found their lifeless bodies lying in a pool of blood. Everything happened so fast,” said Ms Mlongo.

“We heard loud bhang, something that sounded like a heavy object hitting a vehicle. This set off the alarm of the car” added the neighbour.

The neighbours, however, confirmed that if the couple would have received medical attention in good time, they would have both survived the fall.

Officers from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) revealed that there was an indication of a confrontation between the two prior to the suicidal dive. They stated that they found a broken table and a pool of blood in one of the rooms.

Neighbours, however, insisted that over the three months that the two had been co-habiting, they never saw nor heard them engage in any fights.

A security guard manning the gate stated that the couple made their way into the building on Friday, October 1, as was the norm.

The families of the deceased are still in shock and are yet to find answers on what happened to their kin and what caused them to resort into taking their own lives.

Police officers are yet to determine where the deceased had been working, as the neighbours knew very little about them.

Kweli bangi si sukuma wiki!

@Abba , ukiruka from sixth floor uvunje spine , miguu na mikono but usikufe ukuwe paralysed from neck downwards , utaambia nini wakenya in your new paraplegic life ?

Nitawaambia I was trying a new sex position I got from porn hub but it didn’t work .


There’s a chuutih who did that a few years ago pale Parklands. He was paralyzed from somewhere in his upper back and so was confined to the bed.

[SIZE=6]…ati loud bhang [/SIZE]


Girls will never learn that they should keep away from dreadlocked guys.

Hata mimi niliwacha bhangi. Kenya iko na wakora wengi sana and you can never be sure of the purity and quality of what you are getting. Kitambo weed was sweet and would leave me happy and laughing and getting great ideas. It some point it got too potent and I was having very dangerous hallucinations. There’s a day I thought am going mad. Na nikasema if I recover from that dose in one piece am never touching weed again. And I never have again.

Kama ni lazima uvute bhangi then just roll your own shit. Hawa watu huuza ready made rolls are the least trustworthy.

Those are long term effects of smoking weed.


Just walk away, nothings comes first than your own life…acheni kuweka mambo kwa roho,