Low Voter Registration in Mt.Kenya

Niliwaambia 2022 Mt.Kenya kutakuwa na voter apathy. This is just a preview.

Whoever is depending on Mt.Kenya will likely lose because people wont show up at the polling station.

Mt.Kenya voters have no dog in this fight.

Hizi stats umetoa wapi?

Watch news. Samburu and Elgeyo Marakwet counties registered most voters.

Either way, cendro will be interesting this time round. Voter apathy and the elite pushing for Raira. I suspect it will be split and the numbers voting will be much less than before.

Though am sure a kikuyu will be on the ballot. Infact, if uhuru’s camp know what they are doing they will sponsor a kyuk to stand

Kwa mkundu yake

Vote Apathy na vile Mungiki wako invested in local politics za MCA na Governor.

Local politics will mobilize guys lakini central will be divided 3 ways. Baba, Ruto and the monkey kikuyu wa ku waste votes.


The choice between Ruto and RAO is something that most people who witnessed Moi era politics find hard to play with.
If The cool headed Mudavadi was the one being pushed by the state, Mt. Kenya region would’ve voted for him.
I guess voter apathy will be a huge plus for RAO.

sioni nikivote this time round, hio holiday ni kulewa , FIFA na kutomba a new soft puscy

Sasa uko nyuma ya not voting?? :smiley:

wale wanasherehekea Looter waliambiwa kwamba vijana wale wanajazana kwa mikutano hawana kura hawakusikia

Si vote na siwezi vote

Wacha tungojee by the end of the month

Hauko pekee yako. Hio lineup ya 2022 iko chini sana

Wacha upuzi ,unless you want to see the jambazi sugu kutoka sugoi lenya miraba minne na misuli tinginya as president

I think it’s a bit too early to tell, let us wait till voter registration ends given that Kenyan’s love doing things the very last minute .

Hata mimi ni Mt Kenya na siendi kupanga hio line… I doubt kama turnout itafika 40%.