You are using the word ‘kunguru’ wrongly…
Marry Her man. You are in Denial. You thought you could use her and dump her? Shenziest type.
That gal Loves you but you are worried about the complexion. Beta male problems
i did not see how she is a kunguru.
Tulia brathee.
Njiwa ikiundergo metamorphosis inakuwa kunguru.
That is not a Kunguru. bana alafu Thika/Thogoto long distance? alaa! how bwana
patia msishana kuni. hao dark skins ni wazuri kugawa
Hii mujamaa ni khasia tu. How does that virgin Mary become a kunguru?
You got it right is she your daughter?
Definition ya kunguru? Is it an okuyo word?
Mujamaa bado sijabarikiwa kupata mtoi, maybe in future. Sawa