
My brothers there’s something called love that has made many wise people wonder in awe about how and what it really it is.How about we settle this once and for all today. How exactly do you go about it. As a man which girl should I love,how do I know she loves me too,let’s hold materialism constant for a moment…

If you know, you know. If you have the slightest doubt, don’t stick around. Too many fish

There is nothing like love. Love is an imaginary perception created by the brain as a result of hormones produced in a human body-testosterone in men and oestrogen in women- to facilitate mating in human beings and ensure survival of its offsprings.

According to the kijiji expert on matters sex and relationships Bwana @Mimi Huwa Namwaga Ndanii , your priority right now should not be falling into the bottomless pit called love or romantic relationship. Kwanza soma upate the best credentials you can. Then invest your money wisely and have a six figure income by 26th birthday.


Thanks guys but what i don’t quite get is how and why exactly relationships a bottomless pit??