Logging in like a bot.

I saw in some thread someone make a remark about a thread having been created by a robot. So I wondered how hard/easy it would be to log in as a bot. So I tried. Turns out it is easy. I wonder if someone made an Android app.
Google is my coding teacher so let have this moment.

your handle betrays you

Haha. Yeah… I tend to do stuff like this all day. I mean stuff that are an absolute waste of time.

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Get a job.

Make a robot to login and start flirting with fieldmarshall potato.

Lesson number 1.

A while true loop is outrightly bad programming practice

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I have lot’s to do.


I am no developer. I just like to code now and then. I really don’t know the best practices (no comp sci degree here). I fact I will leave the zip here. Maybe you can share more.

Wacha niupload code ya @Nefertities bot though tuliandika in python.

Ama sijui niweke @Meria Mata bot which we coded to scrap for news from other websites n post em here ama ya nef which scraps for gifs

Ebu niekwe group ya ma programmer 0710713105

This might help, extracted some parts from something am working on (not the complete class but enough to show a sample use of while{})

void ServiceMain(int argc, char** argv) 
    while( serviceStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_RUNNING )
            DWORD hExitCode = 1;
            ::GetExitCodeThread( _threadHandle,&hExitCode );
            if( hExitCode != STILL_ACTIVE )
                    if (!  _workerThread.StartThread()  ) 
                        //put error handling here
                        SetThreadPriority( _threadHandle ,THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL );
                    //put error handling here
            //put error handling here
        //be sure to peek and dispatch from MSGPUMP queue
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eti mlifanya nini?
going into robot mode in 120 minutes

Nyamaza robot ama i will delete you

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Aah… Windows service. I did that once while writing a memory monitor bullshit back when I had 512MB. Very interesting stuff!
Anyway, on the code I had the option of goto and using infinite loop then breaking. I chose infinite. I was hoping you’d tell me a better way to do it. I have the basic control structures down.

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Am curious. Is there a programming group in here? Add me too on there if it exists.

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Noticed that as well

the “better way to do it” is subjective, will vary from developer to developer, the one thing that’s constant is all developers agree that using a while (true){} or for(; ; ) {} is not good practice, there is nothing logically wrong with it however the problem comes in when you handover project to another dev and they then have to look at a different location to find out when and why the loop exits. and then you find the original developer did not even comment their code. then you are forced to become a telepath to figure out their thought trail

You never use an infinite loop, anything can go wrong there because it may take infinite/2 to break and you know what the answer is. It only means you have not figured out a proper way to go about your problem

none that i know of, maybe we should collect enough signatures and petition @admin to create a programming board/forum here. not sure how many signatures they would need