Local politician Millicent Omanga warns "Hatutaishi Hivi!" on DP Ruto SaGa

I condemn the refusal to clear DP Ruto for travel, keeping him waiting for over 5hrs. This is yet again a stark reminder of the extent the deep state can go to frustrate the DP. I think enough is enough. Hatutaishi hivi.


A juvenile mafwi tucker tucker thread

hakuna tofauti ya keyword warriors na huyu mama.

Huyu mama ako na gym kwake ya kupose tu for pics, every year she grows fatter than a whale

It’s great to see that the loudmouth landwhale is trying to cut the excess weight

This is reminds me of the incident where it was reported that moi would sit for hours at nakuru statehouse as president Kenyatta received to see visitors from all walks of life. Then very late in the evening the president would bark « who else is there?» « its only moi remaining”

She has been cutting it since @tall mnyama everywhere was a virgin.

Thank me later

Lets talk of fat asses for now. Huyu ni mamake sancho


Bro. Iyo ni steatopygia bana. Is she related to Sarah Baartman?

Niaje pygophile

I dont mind what that disease is as long as napewa hadi kwa mpalange

Autocorrecting feature…I thank you now rather than later.

a whale is not fat naniiii thats its God given size , shape, weight and height

Use some critical thinking skills. I’m referring to size.

Kwani si mungu anapea roto tank hio shape tena?