Loans Manenos

Wawawa sasa hata nikiandika vile nimejionea na macho ni vibaya? Just thank the heavens I am not a powerful woman like Ann Waiguru. We must educate our young, gullible women just like you men are doing while calling each other ‘boy child’. I have done my bit as I have told my nieces the same.

Si kwa ubaaaad.

No matter how I look at it, I still feel a woman is more vulnerable in this world than a man. So if one does not arm themselves with education/awareness and the capability to earn a coin…wewe kwisha. Kwinished. Minished. And this is something my mother taught us. I thank her for that nugget each single day.
Yes, granted we do have our share of rogue women but they are less than the conniving men. Just don’t go v far…read KT uone vile some men operate. How does a man take ‘it’ raw and then abscond from supporting their child? if you are not willing to sire with that woman by all means cork it. Protect your seed.
Back to the topic at hand…I would v strongly advise women to not take loans for their husbands. She can take it for herself for she has earned it. Some do bail out their hubbies and it works out but it takes a principled man to respect that.

This is a topic with no middle ground, right or wrong…

I know several men who have benefitted economically via relationships and marriage especially this hot issue of women taking loans for men which is becoming too common of late though even as a kid I remember hearing how women were being conned via loans by men. Nowadays though it’s getting more common.