No big deal, your body will produce 300m more same day…enough to fertilize all women in East and Southern Africa.
So the trick is to dry fry then pour alcohol down the poonani?
Alcohol is bad for you without this exageration. Do you inject alcohol directly into your balls.
Yes. Pour a full bottle of vodka before and after the ejaculation
You pour into the poosay
Hizo zimelewa, zikableki!
Good hypothesis
But alcohol in the bloodstream is not chemically the same as alcohol in the bottle, the former has already been broken down by the liver and its enzymes and slightly weakened. BUT ALCOHOL STILL REDUCES SPERM COUNT
Birrionares here do not have time to read and understand what you are saying. Sijui blood alcohol and bottle alcohol is not the same?! The many 1000s in my pocket vs the many 1000s in my mpesa… tofauti iko wapi?
Easier and cheaper than P2.
This is why man is the disposable gender. Women are precious coz their womb can only hold one human at a time while we only need one or two men to populate continents … so they must choose the best, yaani you are a dime a dozen.
Najua this fills many men with aghast that they might write themselves outta de gene pool if they Don’t get a kid. That’s why paternity issue are a life and death thingy. Mutu akifikiria vile amegongewa anachizi. Every man wants to pass down his genes but the women want only the best so they will go get a kid with the alpha . And let the beta raise them , cuckoldry 101
So unatry kusema one ejaculation waseparate sperm one by one to get millions of sperms from one alpha male. I don’t get the logic here.