List of 4 Roman Catholic Popes who died during sex, 1 actually died while being sodomised

In May last year, Pope Francis said he believed that Roman Catholic priests should be celibate but the rule was not an unchangeable dogma, and “the door is always open” to change. The Catholic Church teaches that a priest should dedicate himself totally to his vocation, essentially taking the Church as his spouse, in order to help fulfill its mission.

There has been pressure for change, particularly in the wake of recent sexual abuse scandals with proponents of optional celibacy in the Church arguing that sexual frustrations could drive some priests to sexually abuse children.

Below is a list of 4 Catholic Popes who allegedly died while having sex. One of these days will also publish a list of pastors and priests who have been caught having sex with someone’s wife or a girlfriend.

  1. Pope Leo VII (936-9) died of a heart attack while having sex.
    Pope Leo VII (Latin: Leo VII; died 13 July 939) was Pope from 3 January 936 to his death in 939. He was preceded by Pope John XI and followed by Pope Stephen VIII.

Leo was the priest of the church of St. Sixtus in Rome, thought to be a Benedictine monk. He had little ambition towards the papacy, but consented under pressure. As pope, Leo VII reigned for only three years.

The circumstance of his death is unrecorded, although a spurious legend, from centuries after, maintains that he died of a heart attack while having sex with his girlfriend. After his death in July 939, Leo VII was interred at St. Peter’s Basilica.

  1. Pope John VII (955-64) was bludgeoned to death by the cuckolded husband of the woman he was having sex with at the time.
    Pope John VII (Latin: Ioannes VII; c. 650 – 18 October 707) was Pope from 1 March 705 to his death in 707. The successor of John VI, he was (like his predecessor) of Greek ancestry. He is one of the popes of the Byzantine captivity. John VII had good relations with the Lombards, who then ruled much of Italy. However, his relations with Justinian II, the Byzantine Emperor, were far from smooth.

John VII died 18 October, 707 and was buried in the Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary which had been added on to St. Peter’s. He was succeeded by Sisinnius. Reports say Pope John VII was bludgeoned to death by an angry man who reportedly caught him having sex with his wife.

  1. Pope John XIII (965-72) was also murdered by an irate husband of the woman whom he was said to be having sex with.
    Pope John XIII (Latin: Ioannes XIII; c. 930/935 – 6 September 972) was Pope from 1 October 965 to his death in 972. His pontificate was caught up in the continuing conflict between the Emperor, Otto I, and the Roman nobility.

Born in Rome, probably sometime during the 930s, John was the son of Giovanni, who was a bishop. John XIII died on September 6, 972, and was buried in the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls. He was succeeded by Pope Benedict VI. It is also alleged that he died after being heavily assaulted by a cheated man who caught the clergy having sex with his wife.

  1. Pope Paul II (1467-71) allegedly died while being sodomized by a page boy.
    Pope Paul II (Latin: Paulus II; 23 February 1417 – 26 July 1471), born Pietro Barbo, was Pope from 30 August 1464 to his death in 1471.

Paul was born in Venice, a nephew of Pope Eugenius IV (1431–1447) through his mother. His adoption of the spiritual career, after having been trained as a merchant, was prompted by his uncle’s election as pope. His consequent promotion was rapid; and the ambitious young cleric became a cardinal in 1440 and gained popularity through his generosity. He boasted that if elected pope he would buy each cardinal a villa to escape the summer heat.

Just when the King’s goodwill disposed the Pope in favour of reconciliation, Paul died suddenly of a heart attack on 26 July 1471. Reports surrounding his death allege that he died whilst being sodomized by a page boy.

So there you have it - four foxy popes!


Please, drop this thread.

this will raise a storm…

Why drop this thread. Which storm will this thread raised that has not been raised. After all this is public knowledge…

Trust in the ‘word’ and ask no questions…

Indeed, why?


Without photographic evidence, eye witness priss funga leso enda kwa soko ukadakue na wamama wa ploti

[SIZE=6]1 Timothy 4:1-3 King James Version (KJV)[/SIZE]
4 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

Pope Joan the only woman to be a pope back in the middle ages.
Pope Adrian IV choked on a fly in his wine.
Pope St. Hormisdas (514–523) was married and widowed before ordination. He was the father of Pope Silverius.