Light skinned Africans are part neanderthals, descendants of early migrants from Europe to Africa

[SIZE=6]Now you know… science and history teaches us many things every day[/SIZE]




[SIZE=6]Check how much Neanderthal DNA we have in this young Kamba lady[/SIZE]


Europeans originate from niphilim giants that came as a result of rebellious angels mating women.

God wiped their original pure bred giant ancestors during Noah flood, and probably made a mistake of leaving some traces of their genetic seed in human lineages.

Those giants are probably the builders of pyramids among other ancient megastructures using tech they got from their fathers…

They have managed to subvert the earth with help of their original godfathers aka fallen angels

They have been busy digging out their giant ancestors skulls and will probably rebuild them using genetic engineering!


…you can do a DNA test and get the amount of neanderthal genes in your DNA …if you can test if a baby is yours then why not trust DNA results on this issue…angalia hapa !

pure negroid africans do not have neanderthal DNA


[SIZE=7]The reality is this… (please research kivyako pia)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]…their dna was 50% neanderthal 50% homo sapien and has been reducing after every generation… @patco @Tom Bayeye @BantuSupremacy @Ndindu [/SIZE]


on this one you are a bit wrong… but there is some truth …lakini kwa umbali sana… negroid Africans do not have neanderthal DNA …

Buda all these is race politics propagated by one Barack Obama.

Yesterday we burried and destroyed OBAMA IDEOLOGIES from wokeism to neanderthal nonsense.

America has said no to CRT and no to race propaganda.


by the way @patco said slavery and colonialsim never happened… Take everything he says with a grain bag of salt… he was actually banned for trolling… ata nilishangaa if the wazungu who were killing maumau were tourists and they build the ‘Lunatic Railway’ to see tourist sites from mombasa to uganda …acha bangi my fren…

we bring evidence in videos and links from scientists , but he brings tweets from bloggers , we need evidence bana :D:D:D:D

here is a 1950’s movie about neanderthals…the research was already there… so unatuambia Obama directed this movie in 1953 ?

i could bring you research from 1920’s and 1800’s about neanderthals but bado utasema Obama’s great grandfather planned the whole neanderthal reality… acha bangi

Malisa hiyo Oreo petco.

When mzungu says aliens constructed African pyramids, don’t you realize that is an insult to Africans? Hmn? Yani mzungu would rather believe angels, giants, aliens etc constructed pyramids but Africans is where they draw the line.

Your stupidity is a threat to the public

Mkamba @PHARMACY was sodomized by his muhindi boss to get employed pale industrial area

Our Kijana from Kogello has failed. The problem with Obama are the tactics he is using to sell his agenda.

Trump has vaporized Obama completely. No one believes anything Obama has to say. Look around. No one trusts the U.S media or their narratives.

Even the good ideas he might have had are now treated with suspicion. You see, Obama is a racist. Don’t let his calm voice fool you given the chance he would wipe out all his “enemies”. And because he is a racist he believes that his ideas are superior. That white people are neanderthals who should be banned from society. Black Americans wamesema hapana.

Even ga.y people feel that Obama is misusing their sexuality to achieve political ends.

No one appointed Obama as the spokesman for black people. He was the president of a country and not the spokesman for a race.

First of all he is not even 100% black.

Hii mambo ya neanderthal ulitoa wapi?

:D:D:D:D jambaziiiii hizi ninini ?

brainwashed negroe slave defending his master , ati colonialism never happened :smiley:

south sudanese ndio waafrika kamili

Correction. It’s not necessarily light skinned Africans cause even the Khoisan Have lightskin without any neanderthal DNA.
But you’re right about Africans being the only humans on the planet without Neanderthal Admixture.
Specifically Nilotic and Bantu Africans.As for North Africans and Cushites ,that’s a different story.


This Diagram I found explains it perfectly.

there is a small issue with the khoisan …some say they came in after the eurasians finally took over egypt… others say they are ancient humans … hii i’ll have to look into myself… both have sometruth but i’ll have to look into it …i believed the ancient story but hii ingine somehow makes sense…