When the sentence was read out, it slowly but shockingly dawned on his world.
He gave a fearful glance at the magistrate, the court clerk then his mother who sat some five metres in the gallery before papers in his hand fell off as he dropped his weight on the dock’s bench.
A court orderly brought him back to senses with a pat on the back then showed him handcuffs-a signal that he gives away his hands-he complied and was whisked to court cells awaiting transport to prison where he may spend the rest of his life.
The court heard that in 2015, the young father chased away his wife for giving birth to two sets of twins. The man remained with the elder set of twins (boy and girl) born in 2007 and his wife walked out with the other set (boy and girl). As days passed, the man started defiling one of his girls MK until her brother exposed the abomination.
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“(The) twin brother precisely corroborated the defiled girl’s evidence. It is he who brought the goings on to the daylight when he questioned MK as to why she was crying during the night,” observes Principal Magistrate Joseph Ndururi in the judgment.
“What stood out is that MK was scared to tell anyone what was going on, and it was the twin brother who let the cat out of the bag by first reporting the matter to the accused person’s mother, who is his grandmother.”
When the report reached the grandmother of the twins, she failed to act. This prompted her grandson to escalate the matter to their head teacher who subsequently notified the twins’ mother then the police. The investigating officer Samuel Tisa executed an arrest on the father, questioned him about the incident and took the girl for medical tests to Dora Amakove of Kakamega referral hospital where it was ascertained that the minor was “repeatedly defiled by his father”.
“The accused had the habit of inviting the twins with another of his sons from a separate marriage to sleep in his house where he would let the boys sleep in the sitting room as he kept the girl in his bedroom where he defiled her repeatedly between April 1 and July 30, 2019,” Tisa testified. “The minor was then 12-years-old and her father 32.”
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[SIZE=7]Ababu Namwamba’s family split over his love affairs with close family[/SIZE] NaiNotepad
By Nairobian team | 3 years ago
Flamboyant and abrasive Budalang’i politician Ababu Namwamba, now Chief Administrative Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has been accused by some of his relatives of getting too intimate with relatives.
Some of the cases involving Ababu, a former Budalang’i MP, had to be settled by village elders after the accusations caused divisions and disunity in a family where the former ODM secretary general is the wealthiest and most powerful.
Multiple interviews with his family, close relatives, friends, community elders and even a Catholic priest, paints a disturbing picture which even his mother is seemingly helpless to resolve.
In one case, Daniel Namwamba, Ababu’s paternal uncle, told The Nairobian that Ababu got too close to Margaret, the Ugandan wife of Johnny Namwamba.
“Ababu was then a high school student at Kolanya Boys. We realised what had happened when Ababu was at the university,” said Daniel.
Margaret, who later left her husband, gave birth to a girl.
And in a strange twist, Ababu was later accused of knocking up the girl!
“Unfortunately, the baby died. When she was in secondary school, Ababu was the one paying her fees. Then she got pregnant in 2015.” https://cdn-standardmedia-co-ke.cdn.ampproject.org/i/s/cdn.standardmedia.co.ke/sdemedia/sdeimages/friday/thumb_pinv3hitmzmhs5ab473d15ae62.jpg[B]Ababu Namwamba with his wife Prisca[/B]
Daniel adds that Johnny told Ababu, “I wasn’t there when you were making my daughter pregnant. Deal with it on your own.”
Ababu is currently in New Delhi, India. The Nairobian sent him WhatsApp messages enquiring about the allegations and alleged victims, but he did not respond by the time of going to press, neither did he pick our calls made earlier, three weeks ago to be precise, to comment on the allegations.
Daniel recalled another incident when Ababu was a law student at the University of Nairobi in 1995. He was living with his sister at some point, received disturbing reports from her daughter (Ababu’s niece).
The matter was settled at the family level. Ababu fled and found refuge in his Uncle Daniel’s house in Nairobi’s Huruma estate for eight months.
Daniel disclosed that: “I was drinking at a popular bar in the city when Agnes’ husband came looking for me. He was angry and told me that he had been looking for Ababu, whom he understood was living in my house. He insisted that I had to take him to my house, which was rather worrying as it was very late at night. Then he showed me a Somali sword that he was carrying. But I prevailed upon him to drop his intentions. I could not believe the shocking news and couldn’t wait to get home to kick out Ababu from my house. Fortunately, he got a hostel and moved out.”
Daniel narrated another incident which led to a major fallout.
“These cases are well known in the village and everyone fears him. No one can dare ask. But at my age, I have little patience for pretenders,” says Daniel.
“There is so much that this boy has done and as a family we are not happy,” concludes Daniel. https://cdn-standardmedia-co-ke.cdn.ampproject.org/i/s/cdn.standardmedia.co.ke/sdemedia/sdeimages/friday/thumb_yxotu89xyxqpet14ix5ab4742a491cd.jpg[B]Ababu Namwamba[/B]
When we contacted him, Johnny asked us to speak to Ababu. “All those things you are saying, how do I come in (sic)? Call the girl and ask her. Or call Ababu. Don’t call me over such things again.”
If you haven’t noticed @ChifuMbitika has been digging up perv stories from luhyialand…he posts an average of 2 per day…the obsession is now too much, I wonder what else he’s scrolling on his phone…and you won’t see him post anything from elsewhere
Satan is innocent. Let us not excuse degenerates using the good name of Satan. That said, majority of luhya degenerates will be found in Bungoma and Kakamega general localities due to the fact that watu huko hawapendi masomo and still cling to archaic practices where alcohol and sex are central.