Life can be fleeting...Ruth Matete's husband dies 5 months after wedding

Remember Ruth Matere from TPF?

Her husband has passed away in a home accident.

May he R.I.P… Remember to tell your loved ones you love them today.

that’s a sad start.

Alishatiwa mimba au bado?

Home accident peana full story sio manusu nusu kama kane.

If she wasn’t preggers ni kurudi tu uwanja fresh.
There are campus ladies who live with men longer than that and they are still single.

We’re all dying the minute we are born (Dyker, 2017)

Sio Matere ni Matete …

jamaa alireplace gas cylinder ikamchoma

You should always live in peace that tomorrow is not guaranteed.
One of the stoicism lessons is that ‘your family members, your friends were given freely to you. When death arrives, it’s time they go back to your giver’ You can’t control it but you just have to make peace with it.
Stoicism even says that it is not that we are sad that a person has died, but it is our perception of the person’s death that makes us feel sad and sympathetic.
People fear death but death is not a bad thing. Seneca died, Socrates died, Ceasar died… your great grandfather died… your friends die…it must be interesting for all of us to have to go through just like birth which brings happiness and harmony.

Was she too good for Kenyan men? Apambane na hali yake.

V wise words.

Haaaaaiya…Kichwa where you been for almost a decade? salimika tuu saana from an old buddy.

Painful but very true

You be the judge.

When was he supposed to die in your opinion?


Pole kwake

Nimesalimika sana! Nakuwanga huku chini ya maji …

Nini hii?

Kichwa kichieth iz how