To make it illegal. I can go to a store and buy a shotgun and shells ka groceries. All legal. You don’t need a linsence But as soon as you modify the barrel, it becomes illegal na ni felony ukipatwa nayo. Short barrels have a wider dispersal pattern and crazy recoil.
True. But shotgun ni za nini anyway. If possible naweza taka kitu kama hii. [ATTACH=full]114554[/ATTACH]
Legally that is.
If it’s a necessetity let her get trained and licensed.
spent many hours playing that game
Tuko Kenya boss.
Hii ni yako, shotgun ni ya madam. Shotgun ni best for home defense. Wide dispersal and loud. Doesn’t kill unless the target is close. (Depends with the type of shot)
I never finished. The stupid baby panay was so hard to kill. Then there is that mission of disarming bombs on jeeps. So hard
Yeah. For women.
Video game? Apana tambua respawning na saved game
- If you cant hide your firearm from your wife you are not worthy of one. It is a discipline that must be maintained. No one should see a firearm ovyo ovyo, family or not.
- Temporary permits were discontinued due to abuse. I am not sure how easy it is to add someone to your certificate seeing that a certificate is individual and each person must have a file.
- It is not useful to have a wife who can use a firearm when there is only one.
Firearms are not for show, they are not for sharing, there is no good reason to involve a woman in its ownership. Keep it hidden, keep it locked.
hapa nitawaambia munaona movie nyingi sana
i do not want a gun in my house
I can teach her how to use it, and show her where it is stored just in case a need for it arises at some point. Kumbuka wa kukuua atakuua tu, hata kama ni kwa kutumia kijiko
Hide the fi
Hide from your wife??
And you share the same bed?
You let her know why you need one in the first place, [SIZE=16px]You train your spouse and children basic gun handling rules, you go to the range with them so that they are familiar with how really loud a gun shot is at close range. Everyone in the house will respect that firearm and most importantly know how to use it would need arise, and not panic upon hearing gun shots.[/SIZE]
Without recoil itapoteza target= meff weapon.
Unasema nini ,rekebisha kabla wafike.
guns don’t kill !
You are funny, a firearm is for your protection and your family. Hiding it is absurd, keeping it safely locked is another thing. We are speaking about a civilian firearm, si ya askari. On point number 2, the practice still exists, there is alot of loophole regarding that clause. And so far I have not heard cases of the chief licensing officer akileta shida. Keeping in mind the majority of legal civilian firearm holders got them through bribery(300k)and not through the legal way that starts from the vetting by the OCS and up through the chain of command which costs 6k. Point 3, lol why would you keep only one firearm when you can get, an air gun, a shotgun and single pump barrel guns under same certificate, most of these guys getting licences are not peasants, they can afford buying firearms at sh 200,000 and upwards. On your closing comment hata sina jibu, uyo unaishi nayeye si bibi
hii ndo inaitwa utoto sasa…
Well, Ill let it rest.