Liberals in the House, toeni maoni.


then you ask why Walmart is closing and moving out of the neighborhood , taking away employment opportunities and shopping conveniences that the community enjoyed.






What I’ve realized is that liberal leftism is made possible on the back of others hard work. They are very good at capturing institutions but very poor at creating them in the first place

most of these liberal states have liberal prosecutors who are setting these shoplifter free whenever they get arrested, California is even worse.

Trumpidiots wank festivals.

Hakuna maoni ya maana watatoa.

Mimi kama Pokot ni Conservative damu … Fuck Liberals. Hapana tambua lgbtqa … shieth

Old men should just die and leave us. They are unable to accept the consequences of a social ill they have caused over the years and even more unable just keep quiet if they have no response.

Spoke like a far left Liberal.

The cimmunitah is done cc @Simiyu22

Liberal ideologies are the end of an empire collapsing. The rules that made the empire great are no longer adhered. It lead to total chaos. The demise starts internally. When emerging world order sense there is disunity in the declining empire. The attack and establish new norm.

Just a normal day in Ushoga States

Has he reported to jail yet they fellow old man with an orange head?