This is Kenya my fren, the land of MADENI, so MTU asikuletee attitude. If the entire 55 million are in debt as a country what of you?
Don’t let the negative publicity bother you. If the president can sleep like a log when we are in 11 trillion dollars of NATIONAL debt, hio yako 400k ni nini.
Madam, eat life with a big spoon with other people’s money, isn’t it what all these politicians are doing?
Don’t lose any sleep over it. You are living up to our national reputation of being borrowers but never lenders. Chop that money, hakuna pesa tamu kama pesa ya MTU mwingine. Ain’t no shame in it. Life is not a rehearsal, if you want to make beautiful memories and there’s people who would lend you the money, go for it. Wakenya wamejazana kwa Hustler fund for non payment, wasikupatie pressure madam.