true the sales wont drop in china but the focus is outside china, hapo there will be a challenge, africa market despite being small is growing,wanajua tu android and google maps, even in europe huawei smartphones will take a big hit, .
Exactly. Kila nchi ifanye research yake ki binafsi alafu pia hizo simu wauzie watu wao. Kila mtu akule kwao, is the best way forward .
You know this will never work, right?
We’re not saying anything will work. In a perfect world where China and others are forced to play by the rules, I will always wager on American ingenuity. May the best man win.
If you’re talking of everyone staying in their own country the US will be the biggest loser. It’ll have to cut off its tentacles that’s spread all over the globe.
And then about ingenuity, America has always depended on immigrants to provide the ingenuity, from Nate Green to Einstein. So no, in a perfect world the US isn’t going far.
If you were to bet on either Germany or Japan or South Korea, that’ll be a great bet.
Africa is a shit market, an important market but still a small shit market
Well, let’s start losing then! Win-win for us both.
What plan?
the fall of Google is fast approaching
Mimi Pana penda Chinese, wananyanyasa Sisi, hata wazungu walituibia, lakini Xiaomi ni simu msuri:D, sasa wakiburn si tutatumia custom ROM ama tujiundie simu zetu?
Na Trump kidogo alitaka kutumia Huawei Kwa 5g ama deal ilikataa kuingiana akaamua to burn those fvckers?
5g pia ni musuli Bana,TV izikwe
Are you an engineer?
If you are an engineer then you would definitely know that 5G is for last mile connectivity!
You cannot cross the oceans with 5G as you can with Fibre.
And fibre optic is still much faster than 5G. WiFi technology is also improving a lot faster.
In other words WiFi, Fibre and copper wire are going nowhere. 5G broadband will be mainly used in remote areas where there is no Fibre e.g an island like Lamu.
And securing 5G broadband data could prove to be a headache.
This is a war for survival. China walikuwa wamekuja sana.
I guess the only time utaona jina 5g kwa simu yako ni ukitumia bundles. Of course Safaricom might offer 5G Broadband for homes one day but it won’t be so much faster than present home fibre.
I do not know if it will be cheaper. You will notice that in remote areas where tgere is no fibre Safaricom offers 4G broadband but it is much slower than fibre. I believe the remote areas will benefit greatly from 5G broadband.
You have raised a lot of issues here. For starters the American industrial military complex makes profit. They export a lot of expensive weapons and armour every year.
I have seen the likes of @Kennedy Maina saying that the U.S army is broke and that it makes no money. On the contrary. It provides employment and makes a shit load of cash.
Within the army barracks they own schools, shops, cafes, gas stations, laundry marts etc.
The U.S military also does large scale engineering projects worldwide.
You have heard of the U.S army corps of engineers :
These guys practically built most of American infrastructure. And they hire very many experts in every field. And they build any large project imaginable including houses and they make a shit load of cash. It would be great if KDF was commercialized.
For starters if KDF was commercialized they would build all the roads in Kenya without Chinese help.
Thousands of Kenyan youth would be enployed by KDF as engineers and technicians.
Uhuru wanted to do something like that with NYS . One wonders why and yet he has a whole army.
The U.S military more or less owns NASA.
And NASA is highly profitable! NASA research sells for trillions. NASA employs thousands of people. And NASA conducts research in every field in science.
Remember also that if the U.S army comes to defend you, you will have to pay for services rendered. You can pay with oil if you have some thank you very much.
They never overtook Samsung for number one position
And Huawei taking on here wego maps was a smart move
Wafinywe kabisa. Hao watu ni shetani. Wanatuletea ugonjwa na wao ndio wanaweza control peke yao. Kampuni za US ziko banned china anyway. How special are these squint eyes? Tit for tat.
By the way they were banned years ago. Do you see the arrogance with these Chinese?
And they tax foreign goods very highly so that local Chinese stick to buying local goods.
Then they manipulate the currency such that Chinese goods will always be cheap forever.
They manipulate by removing dollar reserves from the local economy and parking them in the U.S.
If the U.S manipulated the dollar the world economy would collapse. Just another reason why China would not like the renminbi to be the top currency.
You are forgetting that to join the US military requires a minimum IQ for which you take a test to determine. That’s why they’ll make smart financial moves. Meanwhile, back here home we count teeth. How’s that going to be successful when commercialized?
And about how the U.S army makes money, I have just found out that the U.S army owns over 2,700 mini malls. :D:D:D:D:D
The U.S army is one of the top retailers on earth.
This sounds highly illegal but they say that the billions in revenue are reinvested straight back into the military community.
CC @Kennedy Maina @Micymas @Weird Nightmares
Mkitaka link itisheni.
you know what props up your economy ni printing of dollars and exporting inflation ,don’t you ? mkisema kila mtu akule kwao ,you’d quickly realise how the US economy is built on quick sand .It would become a 3rd world shithole overnight
Have you heard of optical wireless communication? Have you heard of underwater optical communications?
Anything in telecoms works with a constrained feature known as the bandwidth.
We are almost reaching the capacity limit of an optical fibre and thus the next generation optical fibres will have to work with 5G.