Let the dead be

I dont know what the recent hype on twitter is all about. I see people saying camera quality can’t be from the 90’s , bla ,bla ,bla.

By the way nani atajitolea awekee hii dem mimba itulie?

Here is the Pic of the late. Am sorry I had to share this. Peace.

Definitely not a 90s Camera. Those were days of using film. Camera couldn’t store image. Quality of film would have degraded before trying to scan image into computer which would have further degraded quality.
Photoshopped. With the tattoo on his upper arm ending further from his elbow when comparing his autopsy picture . Tattoo on his lower arm starts much higher too. Which shows those are not his hands.


Who killed Tupac and why?


Wanasema ni Biggie and his gang juu ya beef. A year later Pac’s gang killed Biggie to revenge on Pac’s murder. Siko sure!

He was shot by Orlando Anderson. A few minutes before his murder, Tupac and death row crew had beaten up Anderson at a Casino in Las Vegas. I have attached you the footage. Anderson ( a gang member) then called his friends and trailed Tupacs entourage and shot him. Andersons uncle confirmed the story. He even revealed details of the murder not publicly available.

Anderson later died mysteriously.
All the security guys assigned to deathrow met the same fate.

Diddy planned Biggie’s death

‘pac needs to tell us the secret to looking like a 25yo when one is supposedly 50 plus.

Not true

I thought he died at 25, ama unamaanisha nini?

Suge Knight after pac started asking for his money and royalties there’s a documentary by a New York reporter including FBI

aii. Biggie was an asset to bad boy why wld Pdiddy eliminate an asset

@Azor Ahai posted this on some other thread.

1.Watch it; and
2. Think.

Watched this yesterday and I must admit it’s an eye opener on many issues. The guy put in some good research into this.

Ndo maana nimesema siko sure. Ni story za mtandaoni.

Ghetto culture

What’s this fascination about a long dead guy? I dont understand

Is a religion for some of these people who claim to be atheists