Leo Bingwa Scrotum Atalala na Viatu

@Bingwa Scrotum leo usitoe viatu ukimaliza kuchana


They’re all from Minnesota.

Minnesota seems to be the Kenyan version of eastleigh, we’re this skinnies invaded

minnesotta is where al-Shabab recruit skinnies for american or somali akbar missions

heheh nimesota deep in the countrry of the free…

Bottom left is Eric Omondi brother

A camel came seeking to shelter its head from rain,now it has its front legs inside the tent…it’s just a matter of time

By 2030 america will be unrecognizable from Brazil and other south american shitholes

what is wrong with that? Why do you want white pureness?

Kila mtu akule kwao,Wasomali warudi Somalia

what if Us is their promised land where they can put their high octane energy to good use and acting as a shining beacon to their brothers on what they could achieve if they stopped wilding. In all honesty, them niggas need to calm their tiddies and focus on being human

isn’t this how Obama scaled to the top?

Wasomali wanatesa huko Nimesota.

We dem arabs

Then Minnesota must be shithole state in the union… with filth everywhere

You racist ass-hole

Congrats. Wasomali wanadominate Nimesota. That is a good thing.

Wivu ndio imejaa huku

Expect a major bombing attack in the USA in the near future. Carried out by the obvious culprits.