So after tolerating zuku copper for kitu 6yrs I decided last month nijump to Safcon fibre. Zuku were great when i entered their ‘4mbps’ in 2012. shifted to many speeds 10, 20, 30 went back to 10 because honestly even @ 20 it still buffered & was slow most times from arnd 2016 till last month. I skype alot & netflix & iptv for sports but it was a pain to get good service. Customer care is shit, most ni amateurs, night ones are worse…their best slogan “unplug router,reboot router after 5min”…and sometimes they don’t pick or you’re on hold for even 30min. Burofcoz if u don’t renew service end month those no. Of calls watakuspam nazo early morning, eve, afte nearly every day mpaka ulipe. “so when do you think you’ll renew your next subscription.” Jameni, nikama ni deni ya tala unaitishwa. It got so bad @ 20mbps streams on even 720p were buffering mpaka youtube…Iptv streams ata i gave up watching, ball ata nilirudi kuwatch kwa casino. Got saf in Jan @ 10mbps for testing so far it’s been super btw I hate saf just use their mpesa… calls the other 2 telcos are where i spend most cred. Ball zote nimewatch indoors, downloads na streams siezi ata complain in any. Let me give credit where it’s due saf kwa internet for me wamecheza fiti.want to upgrade coming month cause of Fifa online matches hii inataka good bandwidth to enjoy. Zuku kama a clingy, nagging ex bado wanapiga i was even promised 2 free months na kadem ka customer care nikirenew service. Fellow safcon users older than me naeza skia experience zenu. Nimeattach some backup pics zangu tho tuvumilieni sote.
Ata torrent za Zuku sijawai gika izo speed… 1.5mbps download @ most. Hehe ata router yake nilizima naekelea ya saf ju!
Ni mitaa ipi ina safcom fibre na one bedroom haipitishi 12k? Asking for my “friend” who’s considering hamaing just to take advantage of this fast internet. Otherwise, Safaricom ni ya Mpesa pekee wadau.
Why do people complain about zuku like this ama mimi huwa na bahati…I play online bila drops…download at max speeds from torrents…I have never even called their customer care…and i ain even talked about the number of people on my wifi as we blaze up …so how yall get shafted is a mystery … anyways asking since am on the 8k one in zuku whats the equiv in saf
Kumbe ile story ya @Deorro ilikuwa ukweli (though you explained poorly). I read somewhere that the speeds will be capped to their respective packages once Safaricon gets enough targeted users.
Thanks. Na hiyo net yao inacover the entire town ama ni select parts only? Siwes taka kufanya ufala ya kumove alafu nipate fibre haifiki hiyo particular building.