learning to play guitar

hey peeps,
I’m learning how to play guitar and I need some pointers on how to solo, how to use modes and play chords by ear. Any resources would be helpful.

What kind of a guitar do you have?

kuna SMS nimetuma wrong no. na inaeza nimalisa kisiasa so priss usiforward


I have an electric guitar. Ibanez

Mtoto wa jirani amenikojolea akiwa 3rd floor. Huyu mtoi lazima ikuwe ni wa Ktalker hapa.

YouTube. Even Yego made it

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Master your scales and modes, learn arpeggio patterns across the fretboard(if you listen to most jazz solos, arpeggios will never miss, most players repeat severally). Learn how to target the forthcoming chords strong notes (1-3-4-5) from the mode of the chord you’re on.

Remind me tomorrow to upload an app called guitar scales method, it’ll help with the pattern, modes and their patterns on the fretboard and speed

If your still learning it’s advised to start with a classical guitar that doesnt have fret marker dots at frets 3-5-7-12

Try and master solos by your favourite guitarists, imitation is a must.

Alafu kwa kodi kuna addon ya ultimate guitar.com

Playing chords by ear takes time, even years so be patient. You can break down the harmony in your head and retry it on guitar

@Jazzman at the moment I’m good with bar chords and I think i’m decent for scales down the fret for a beginner and my listening isn’t too bad to try to pick out the key. I can do the scales but have no idea how to do the chords.
Thanks, will remind ya.

Using Barre chords; major 7’s and minor 7’s sound better.
With these in mind…

It becomes easy to pick out chords and solo

@Jazzman this is what I was referring to. So far I’m able to play the above by listening. Though I need to have more experience soloing…in due time, so far it’s coming along okay.
I’ll try out major and minor 7s, if you have a diagram like the above, please attach. I realized I’m only familiar with barre chords.
Also reminding you about the app, if it’s not the one you attached above.

Sande sana.

Give me your email address, the site has refused to upload the file. The guitar scales method will guide you in every aspect and the pdf docs have plenty of info. I mostly play bass but the theory is similar so if you find some of it to relate to bass just flow with it.

Each chord may have atleast four variations and it will depend on the ones you like

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