Noma sana. Duuuh
Fake news
kofi la kushtukiza maana yake hizo ngumi hamna wa kuingilia
Ni feki
Shait…cabalero hana kipara nyeusi hivo hii inakaa ya @uwesmake and @LIEN alipatwa akifinga khupipi ya mwenyewe
:D:D:Dno effidence there huyo anaeza kuwa ata kibaki slapping lucy… who knows?
Fake news.
However they didn’t pick Romero since he was “injured”, he wasn’t. He didn’t want to say it but his girlfriend revealed it public. Even the second choice keeper argument doesn’t make sense since their blundering keeper is second choice at Chelsea. Anyway at least I got one thing right this world cup. Support England and Argentina at your own risk.
Wachana na propaganda ya bibi
Sergio Romero’s wife has said that her husband would be fit for the World Cup: “There’s nothing broken. It’s a piece of loose cartilage. The doctors told him he was OK for the World Cup…There are many people that want him out. They said it was broken to justify it. I’m tired of the lies.”“The recovery is 2-3 weeks maximum but with how my husband is & the effort he puts in he could be ready for the first game”
This matter was discussed on reddit and can be summed up by the first reply
" I mean who would want to take a chance for 2/3 weeks for a WC that comes every 4 years? He is no Messi. And how about training with the team? Just getting back from injury and straight to the WC? I don’t think it works for any team like that for a short time competition like WC.
Don’t know why she is angry."
If you’re not fit for the start you’re not fit for the tournament. Spot on
Sasa let them live with the sight of that first goal.