Lawyers in the house

I’m a nobody but my broad experience in life and career has exposed me to some stuff that, if implemented, can go a log way in making lives better. I’m not selfish…so steal my idea if you may. I’m a liberal idealist.

Our judiciary system is flawed and the disparity can be seen when parties in similar cases are judged differently. There is a lot of bias on the judgement, prosecution, defence and even the reporting in the media and this can be mainly attributed to finances. Let’s not mention Judge Odunga, that is a whole story all together.

It is always the case where someone is in court for milking billions of shillings and his bond, surety or bail (I dont know the difference) is set at an amount which we always seems disproportionate. Same way taxes always lube up the poor than the Rich. If I steal 1 billion, I get 10 million cash bail trust me I’ll come up with that amount by the time clock strikes noon. Compare this with someone stealing chicken being asked to pay 50,000 ksh. See where I’m going at?

I remember reading a story of a Finnish billionaire who got a 60,000 euro speeding ticket for going 15kph above the limit. If you drive a Porsche like @Deorro you know how hard keeping up to the posted limit is. Anyway, these cops evaluated this guys previous tax return to come up with that amount. It was probably a pinch for that guy. In my opinion, it seems excessive to the average Joe, but fair by all standards.

Why shouldn’t we do the same in Kenya. The law should be just and balance scales whether poor or rich.

An algorithm of what should be bail could help remove the bias. Tax returns, bank statements, net worth etc can be used. I remember Equity chairman said they started giving loans to people who would have their black and white greatwall as collateral. Back then Stanchart and Barclays required minimum balance of 10k in the account. Kadogo economy in all aspects of Afro cinema.

Let me stop there because I might end up being incoherent but you get my idea.

Btw I’m all for legalization of marijuana. That bill should pass…plus this one if someone ever picks it up.

Eminent Person
Kah Tony, OGW

good post @kah tony . my only beef is with this statement;

how can you not and you have dictionaries at your fingertips?

Thie ukamie.

Thie ukamie.

The poor have it rough in Kenya thanks to one former AG Njonjo in the 60’s/70’s. The man was an complete aloof white wannabe Sir. Kabeteshire. He changed the penal code to punish petty crime and misdemeanor with hush instant fines and long jail terms. Why? his white folks in Karen, Lavington, Gigiri etc were complaining so much of chicken theft etc. However to cushion the top cream at the same time, major crimes at the top still has very fair bail terms and procedures. That penal code remains unchanged up to now. How many lawyers do we have in Parliament.

How do you prevent lawyers from claiming that they are working pro bono? Btw, this is a worldwide phenomenon.

Do we have a parliament or a rubber-stamp house ?

True, it is actually worldwide. Incarceration of black folk in America can be attributed to similar bias. Judges have an implicit bias when sentencing negroes. Bail terms are harsher and sentences longer for same crime.

You know how hard it is to open two tabs on a phone? Although I have multi screen feature but still…

Talk to uhuru about it buana. Its in appropriate for a person like you to complain just like everyone else