Law society of Kenya.

Could an insider wa huko LSK explain the boardroom bonoboism going on there?

Is it deep state frustrating Nelson Havi? Or is he just incapable of leading the institution.?


Havi though :D:D:D:D:D this is why we keep telling cabrons and jretards like Onyi @patco to train .Ana sasa madharau




-Bouncers in black attack
-Havi seated at the corner sneaks away with his tea.
-Esther Ang’awa and other ladies left to stand up against the thugs.
-Gate is opened and the thugs leave

:D:Dthe way he just calmly walked away from the chaos

Njaruo naona jana uliskia you guy my guy wakisema ‘cabrons’ ukakimbia nayo ktalk utishe wananchi. I say , hio pia ni maendeleo.

[SIZE=5]Hivi ndio kutakuwa Raila akiingia. Nugu zinatolewa state house mbio mbio na bouncers. Wengine wanarushwa juu ya fence. Uhuru na mashati zake za red… :D:D:D[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]“I only wanted to see baba… mimi sina ubaya!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Jaduongs jumping on the official limousine… akina @Mangele ndio hao jkia VIP section ati waitikishwe wabebe rais wao juu ya mabega…:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]“I must carry baba’s luggage!!! Baba… baba… baba …!!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Hio inauguration ndio mtaona vituko. Kibera mzima itatoshea Kasarani stadium.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Infact Nyanza mzima itakuwa Kasarani![/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]“My name is @Swansea McAdams Ochollah Mariech Junior and I am a truck driver from Maryland U.S of A, my business here at Kasarani stadium is to inaugurate our dearest, his excellency the right honourable Prime Minister EGH, MBS, PHD and new President of the Republic called Kenya, his lordship Raila Amolo Odinga son of Adonija Jaramogi Oginga Odinga… now I want all Kenyans especially these Kukuyus standing around here to understand that Kenya is now ours! Kenya is now under the new Luo dispensason and forthwith hatulipi ticket ya ndege… secondly hio rent tumepatia these kukuyu landlords irudishwe yote kwa tenants…”[/SIZE]

Havi ni coward. Amepata jamaa guard iko ngangari ikabidii akuje mkia. Ile counter angepewa saa hii ghasia ingekuwa ikifike kesi Hague ya assault :D:D:D

@Tom Bayeye na yeye ataingia kenyatalk , “From today I shall be refered to as @administrator Thomas Bayeye son of Otieno. I do not wish to repeat myself twice so without further ado, I forthwith recommend that President Raila Amolo Odinga’s image be displayed prominently atop the website’s logo for all these kukuyus around here to understand what has happened, what has taken place. Power has changed hands. Now I request that that okuyu lady @Purple zambarau step down forthwith post haste and hand over all instruments of power to the incoming administration from Nyanza Kenya… the shift in power has to be smooth for all members concerned. Peaceful transison will be highly appresiated. Members who cause disturbance e.g patco, wigsplitta… the name Barack Obama will be treated with utmost respect by all members or else!!! Heads will start rolling literally and categorically!!!”

A wise choice. Did you see the size of those thugs?

Law Society of Kenya ni society ya wanasheria. Waku free kuendeleza affairs zao vile wanataka. Haituhusu. Members waongee

Bee bee eye…halafu kuna former leadership walinyonya pesa na mrija na hawataki forensic audit

If this what advocates do in their free time this country is a true shithole.

Havi does’nt seem to understand that violence is a universal language …watu wanakuvamia aje kwako na huwezi okota ata mawe uchape nayo mtu kwa mdomo

Luo affairs,I though LSK is an organisation of national outlook

Havi is a Fool

Hamwoni havi ndio aliita bouncers

Oooooh…makes a lot of sense
