Latin America gave the world.

Colored TV.
Wireless telephone.

Exactly what is Latin America?

Tequila. Made from Agave also known as Sisal


El Dorado :smiley:

El chapo


Colombian neckties. Do not look that up.

Che guevarra
Mambo, salsa, cha-cha-cha, rumba and tango dances
Sweet 'ol Carnival’s fine eye cleansers
Amazon river
Piña coladas,cuba libres,mojitos & tequilas
Galapagos island…darwin’s inspiration to evolution

cabron, and a ferker pump lead in your hollow skull

All the Pablos that I like:

Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria: Peddler par excellence!

Pablo Neruda: The best poet of all time; who can actually make you simp for a while.

Pablo Picasso: The greatest painter of all time.


Wasn’t he from malaga,spain?

You’re right. He was Spanish by birth. Used to think he was Hispanic/Latino.

Beautiful ghels


Na sasa, someone born is Spain is not Hispanic?

Latin American women wenye naonanga kwa TV hukaa wameiva sana. I might be a sex-tourist 10 or 20 years from now niende huko Venezuela kukamua vienyeji.

The term Hispanic is mostly used in reference to South American countries; those that had been colonized by Spain, with Spanish descendants and speak Spanish. Those from Spain are Spanish.

Specifically Brazil. Hee!