LAST WARNING!! Juliet Nabasa

Wachana na bwana ya wenyewe. Team fisi who can satisfy her mmpewa number. Across the border in Uganda

I will call uncle Museveni himuselfu anitumanie hii package tukule hapa kijijini

Why is she deciding for the husband??
What if the husband doesnt want to be left alone

Hiyo number ikuommmmmm

she should sort this with her man first kunguru ni kunguru haitoshekangi haitishangwi na haifugiki

what if its the husbands holding onto her juicy gluteus maximus

@madova kuja kidogo boss.

That arse though

aye @madova khupipi ameamua scorched earth policy :smiley:

Better how’s in Kenya…

Hahaha,umejaribu hiyo number?
Huku bana wajua mambo ya kawaida ni bahati Sikh hizi hawachomani na acid kama miaka zilizopita.

Ameamua jua la saa saba lisimpite.
Kabarikiwa wajua.

“sex vindor” :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Nasio kabaya

Iko hapo kwa picha

Hii number ata haiwork

MAFISI RULE NO.3 Never give up keep trying.